Hi Terje.

I downloaded the norwegian voice yesterday. This is something like the danish 
voice, I am not good at norwegian, but I can hear that it is just as terrible 
as the danish voice.

Best regards Annie.
Den Sep 29, 2013 kl. 11:54 PM skrev Terje Strømberg <terjestrmb...@gmail.com>:

> Then we have the Norwegian, Israel and Danish voices and maybe a couple more. 
> Together the market grows. From the Apple side there should be an conscience 
> share too, not only a stock share They own Voice Over. We have paid for the 
> hardware. I believe Apple will fix this after some pressure if many enough 
> countries users and organizations make them pay attention to this problem.
> Take care   
> 25. sep. 2013 kl. 18:04 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen <annieskovniel...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi.
>> It is a disaster too in danish. Nobody understands the new voice. I mean 
>> that it is a catastrophe that voices are developing into something worse.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Sep 25, 2013 kl. 12:34 PM skrev Rafi Cohen <rafico2...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi everyone. I could be happy that the new Vocalizer Expressive is 
>>> integrated in IOS7 but instead I am mostly frustrated.
>>> I'm a blind software developer from Israel using both Mac and Iphone. 
>>> During the last months there were strong rumors that Apple will add a 
>>> Hebrew TTS to IOS7 and Mavericks. Yes I know, even a strong rumor is just a 
>>> rumor. But I also know that Hebrew TTS _is_ included in Vocalizer 
>>> Expressive, bot for reasons I really don't know and understand, Apple 
>>> decided to exclude it out and did not integrate Hebrew TTS in IOS7 and so 
>>> far it is not included in the Beta versions of Mavericks too.
>>> Most unfortunately, nobody in the Accessibility group of Apple gives us 
>>> even a clue why they had to take it out. After all, we did not ask Apple to 
>>> invent the wheel. Hebrew TTS is part of Vocalizer Expressive, but still was 
>>> excluded from IOS7.
>>> I, for myself can manage well with English but there are hundreds of blind 
>>> people who don't know English and were waiting impatiently for the Hebrew 
>>> support on IOS7 to buy iphones and now they are left out with much 
>>> frustration.
>>> Yes, the Israeli blindness market is small and Apple still has significant 
>>> accessibility advantages over Android, but if that Hebrew TTS will be 
>>> integrated in Android before IOS, Apple will probably loose that market.
>>> I love Apple products but I'm most unhappy with their behavior towards 
>>> Hebrew support and I still hope somebody will give a comprehensive answer 
>>> to this issue.
>>> Thanks, Rafi.
>>> From: 
>>> macvisionaries@googlegroups.com[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On 
>>> Behalf Of BBS
>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 12:14 PM
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Subject: Vocalizer Expressive, Was Re: iOS 7, the worse update for 
>>> norwegians using VoiceOver
>>> Hi everyone. I've been meaning to send this out to you guys but I was 
>>> catching up on around 85 emails so here goes. I have an explanation of why 
>>> the old Norweigion voice that people are used to is no longer used. I 
>>> actually read this on the Viphone list and I wanted to inform you as well. 
>>> The reason why that voice is no longer in the iPhone is because Nuance has 
>>> stopped supporting the Vocalizer Automotive version 5.5 engine, which was 
>>> present in iOS6 and I think is present in OS X Mountain Lion. Because of 
>>> this, Apple is now using Nuance's new TTS engine, Vocalizer Expressive. 
>>> This new version of Vocalizer has new voices, and as some of you that are 
>>> using the Australian Karen voice may notice, she sounds way better in this 
>>> version. So for people that want the old voices back, it won't happen 
>>> because like I said, Vocalizer Automotive 5.5 is no longer supported by 
>>> Nuance. Also if I may add, it's inevitable that this new Vocalizer 
>>> Expressive engine will also be coming to OS X Mavericks when it comes out.
>>> Shawn
>>> Sent From My White MacBook
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