I am sharing a method someone told me.
their suggestion was to create the password using a combination of letters
and numbers but that forms a sentence you will remember, for example
take the sentence when I was ten we lived on kitchen street.
it can become WIw1023eloks.
In that case the third letter w becames its numerical place in the
number 23 with the e for the rest of the word.
you can do any number of combinations.
Strangely enough perhaps rooted in how and where I compute, I almost never
have to change my password, gmail is the main exception smiles.
On Tue, 30 Jul 2013, Chris Blouch wrote:
From what I've read, long passwords are more secure than short cryptic ones.
So if the site will allow it, you're better off using a password of "mimsy
were the buroughgroves" than "xkcdcom1080". The reason is that if someone
gets their hands on an encrypted password file, each additional character
increases the number of tries they would have to make to brute force the
password by a multiple of at least 26. For example, if a site only allowed
capital letters in their password and a password length of 1 then there would
be just 26 possible passwords and they could brute force attempt each one.
For two letters there would be 26x26 or 676 combinations, 17576 for three and
so on. So a really long password can make the crack take so long as to be
more than a lifetime with today's computers.
On 7/29/13 11:46 PM, eric oyen wrote:
I use a program here called pwgen to generate 20+ character strings that
have numbers, letters and symbols. These can be very strong. Also, in
order for someone to check all possible variations on a 20 character
password would take more than the available lifespan of the planet thus
On Jul 29, 2013, at 8:18 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> The problem with changing your password so often, even if you use a
> mnemonic, as I do, to remember several different passwords, is it there
> are so many of them. Also, there are several variations within the
> Numonics paradigm which can lead you to strike out on login sites that
> don't allow you more than two or three attempts. In this case, I was
> contention that the Gmail password site indicated that it was a strong
> level of security.
> Be well.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> My home page: http://MarkBurningHawk.net
> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markburninghawk.baxter
> On Jul 29, 2013, at 6:23 PM, eric oyen <eric.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > so far, I haven't seen any problems. I use both mail.app here on the
> > macbook as well as iOS mail on the iPhone. I manage 2 gmail accounts
> > on there and a yahoo account as well.
> >
> > For good security, it is recommended to change the password about once
> > per month (for the truly paranoid, once per week is the norm). doing
> > this often insures that your information is secure (at least for the
> > time being). Most people don't like going to this extreme because it
> > requires they memorize a new password. In the 9 years I have been
> > using gmail, I have been hacked precisely once. Never again after
> > that. Again, this is all dependent on what level of security you are
> > comfortable with.
> >
> > -eric
> >
> > On Jul 29, 2013, at 5:01 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> >
> > > This message serves partially as a test of my iPhone and Gmail,
> > > having gone through the rigmarole of changing passwords. It also is
> > > a chance for me to ask whether anyone else's observing problems with
> > > Gmail?
> > >
> > > Be well.
> > >
> > > Sent from my iPhone
> > > Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> > > My home page: http://MarkBurningHawk.net
> > > Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markburninghawk.baxter
> > >
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