What do you mean about structured discovery?

Lähetetty iPhonesta

Ray Foret jr <rfore...@att.net> kirjoitti 12.7.2013 kello 23.11:

> Me, I'd rather use structured discovery.  It's free and let's you go anywhere.
> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jul 12, 2013, at 3:00 PM, Alex Hall <mehg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> First, it'd only be two apps, Blindsquare in the background speaking POIs 
>> and streets and your maps/gps app telling you where to go. It sounds 
>> combersome, but if you don't know where you are going, a cane or dog won't 
>> help you. True, once you know a route a dog is good about taking you back to 
>> the same place, but for getting to new places or getting to known places in 
>> new ways you sometimes need or want the extra help of technology. If it's a 
>> single app you want, Sendero's app can do the job, but it is $70 per year or 
>> $130 every three years. I'd rather get Blindsquare and use iOS7's walking 
>> directions when that comes out, but that's just me.
>> On Jul 12, 2013, at 2:35 PM, Ray Foret jr <rfore...@att.net> wrote:
>>> Gee wizz.  Three apps just to get around?  Better just to use a cane or 
>>> guide dog then right?  I mean, three apps just to get around?  Ain't that 
>>> getting just a bit cumbersome?
>>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>>> built-in!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>> On Jul 12, 2013, at 1:22 PM, Mike Arrigo <n0...@charter.net> wrote:
>>>> This leads to a question, when launching the third party apps for 
>>>> navigation, is it specified what type of root to create, driving, walking, 
>>>> etc? Or does the third party app use whatever is set as the default?
>>>> Original message:
>>>>> 1) Kind of. It itself has this getting warm, but it supports many 3rd 
>>>>> party apps that you can be launched directly from BSq: TomTom, Navigon, 
>>>>> MotionX, Google Maps, Apple maps etc. Since BlindSquare can run on 
>>>>> backgrpund, you will get best of both worlds. For example Navigon is 
>>>>> giving turn-by-turn and BlindSquare is adding street info, intersections 
>>>>> and information about surrounding places on top of that. In-app 
>>>>> turn-by-turn is something that is planned into future, but superior 
>>>>> support for 3rd party apps you might already have will never go away
>>>>> 2) Sure you can. They are saved to iCloud, so they are shared among all 
>>>>> your iOS devices and when switching to new phone, all settings and POIs 
>>>>> follow automatically.
>>>>> 3) Yes it does. It announces street addresses with numbers and 
>>>>> intersections both in pedestrian and faster speeds. It can announce 
>>>>> intersections in high speed also
>>>>> 4) Pretty close but it varies fro many factors. If you track Foursquare 
>>>>> place, t doesn'teven try to get closer than 16 meters since we don't know 
>>>>> nothing about accuracy of original POI. If you reset lcation for that or 
>>>>> create your own POI, also accuracy is saved to iCloud, in the case that 
>>>>> accuracy of POI and your current accuracy is good, it will guide you just 
>>>>> to the edge of accuracy (like 7 meters). That way it can give it's final 
>>>>> announcement with clockface information about direction
>>>>> To get good overview of the app, please listen to this podcast: 
>>>>> http://www.applevis.com/podcast/episodes/blindsquare-feature-packed-navigational-tool-blind-ios-users
>>>>> <http://www.applevis.com/podcast/episodes/blindsquare-feature-packed-navigational-tool-blind-ios-users>
>>>>> BR, Ilkka, BlindSquare app developer
>>>>> Lähetetty iPadista
>>>>> Alex Hall <mehg...@gmail.com <mailto:mehg...@gmail.com>> kirjoitti 
>>>>> 12.7.2013 kello 15.47:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> All this talk about Blindsquare makes it sound like a pretty neat app, 
>>>>> and clearly a lot of people use it. Here are my questions:
>>>>> 1. Can it do routes? That is, can I tell it I want to get to my home, or 
>>>>> some business or address, and have it guide me there? If so, is this 
>>>>> turn-by-turn (I doubt it) or a "getting warmer" method?
>>>>> 2. Can I save my own POIs in the app, even without a Foursquare account? 
>>>>> If I need such an account, can I not have my location broadcast to 
>>>>> everyone else on Foursquare or Twitter?
>>>>> 3. Does the app know streets at all? Again, likely not, but you never 
>>>>> know.
>>>>> 4. How is the accuracy? I realize this will vary wildly from place to 
>>>>> place, and even due to things like weather and where on your person you 
>>>>> carry your phone, but in general, how close does it get you to 
>>>>> destinations?
>>>>> Thanks in advance for answers to these. I almost got Blindsquare, then I 
>>>>> started helping to test the Sendero app and found that Blindsquare would 
>>>>> be redundant. However, I do not plan on buying the Sendero app, 
>>>>> especially with walking directions coming to Maps in iOS7, so I am once 
>>>>> again considering Blindsquare.
>>>>> Have a great day,
>>>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>>>> mehg...@gmail.com <mailto:mehg...@gmail.com>
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> mehg...@gmail.com
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