Agreed, and if you don't like someone asking a truely honest to God curious question, then get outta their face and leave 'em the heck alone!


----- Original Message ----- From: "Sandi Jazmin Kruse" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2013 6:01 AM
Subject: Re: regarding a list member

is nvda related too the mac? well i would guess so if you run it under
vmware? that being said.
How about simply just talking nicely too each other, it is not hard,
and you dont use so much negative energy on whimpering and whining.
An nvda situation under mac could be as following:
1: you need your scanner too run under windows and you want that too
happen on your mac, after that gorgeously install you obviously need
some sortta speech. That could very well be nvda, right? so directly
related too the mac, obviously no, but i still would say related yes.
talk nice, and if you dont wanna see emails from a person, simply just
delete it.
have a nice day all

On 6/30/13, Mauricio Almeida <> wrote:
I personally think that CJ is right here.
I rarely post here, but quite frankly i have seen minimally speaking
tem times the following scenario: bounders are stepped, apology comes
once in a while - sometimes ina drama novel format - and the cycle
repeats itself. anyone who looks up list archives will see the cycle.
how you interpret it is up to you, but dont deny it.

On 6/29/13, shane christenson <> wrote:
I don't normally get in on discussions like this, but, I'm not sure where
someone gets the idea that he is needing medication. I personally have
him to be a wealth of information with his knowledge of the apple
discussed on this list.


On Jun 29, 2013, at 5:19 PM, CJ Daniel <> wrote:

Hello to anyone reading this crud,

Time after time, I see Chris being a complete idiot on this list.  His
subject lines always reflect a border-line hysteria, when dealing with
momentary, hiccup, problems with his Mac &/or OSX & its various
applications.  Words like, "strange, weird, bizarre, maddening, crazy, &
other off-the-top descriptions reflect a manic personality, that seems
unstable @ the very least.

And now, based on an inquiry--that seems legit to me for those using
Camp or VM Fusion--he is using distasteful language in a completely
off-the-chart rant/response to the originator of the NVDA post.  Without
medical history, I suppose it would be inappropriate to suggest that
up his anti depressant dosage.  But, seriously, @ what point does the
moderator on this list step in & say "enough!"

I guess I could take Chris's own recommendation & filter him out of my
mail box.  In fact, I have considered this in the past, when seeing his
posts.  I must confess, I generally skip over them, as a matter of
anyway.  However, this last rant is just unacceptable.  Chris states
himself, that he's not acting professionally in this matter & he's sure
got that right.  While, as he states in his message that he doesn't have
to act that way in this environment, he could @ least act with courtesy.

Anyway, I sincerely hope that the moderator will read this & consider
action regarding Chris.  It's not the first time & it won't be the last.
Chris is the one bad apple that sours the whole barrel.


On Jun 29, 2013, at 10:21 AM, Chris Gilland <>

Sir?  That is no? problem!

I will forget about you, and will set up a mail filter from now on to
block every bit your incoming mail, whether directed at me or not.
Frankly, you're being very hasty and extremely disrespectful.  But,
Mister Congeniality whom I've delt with on and off various lists
times before, may I add the mods taking my side every single time, your
perfect because you're god, and you know everything.  Oh yeah, I forgot
oh wize one! No one else ever! is right, everyone but you is wrong!
damn straight I took what you said personally in your last reply.  Why
shouldn't I when you were down right rude.

All that I initially did was asked one question about how the hell what
you said was related to the mac.  I wasn't jumping down your throat,
though you clame you meant well in your first e-mail back to me, it
proves you as a
despicable liar!  If you weren't offended at what I said, you wouldn't
haveritten the things you did.  You don't have to like me, but God
fucking dammit, I do! deserve dignity and respect, and if anyone on
list wants to say I'm not a Christian quote unquote, and chuck Reichel,
don't you even think! about writing me telling me to God up!  People on
this list're gonna learn, in a professional environment, I'd not speak
I am, but this is non CLG Productions related, thus professionalism
out the window when you treat me this way.  Frankly, to anyone
or not, who feels me saying what I am is in the wrong, let me remind
of something:  This list is a macintosh Voiceover/IOS list, not! an
list.  There is another list specifically for that,

and I'm sure people there would be happy to help.  Second of all, what
was nice about this other gentlemen calling me out on list, and saying
he's tired of my pussy whatever comments.  I don't remember his
but who the hell cares!  You want my help, ask for it nicely, and you
might get it, but if you sit here and trample me for one honest to
goodness question, don't expect anything in return.  I don't mind you
speaking your mind, Phil, no, but just as you have the right to speak
your's, so do I, and that's exactly what you've forced my hand to do.
You all will learn very quickly, I can be the best friend, and most
patient compassionate man you'll probably know, but you piss me off?
wheuhuhho boy! are you gonna know it!

Frankly, if you wanna delete my e-mails, Phil or not, go right? ahead!
People like you all who do that have that right certainly, but frankly,
you guys are not worth my time nor energy, so get off my case, as
frankly, not only do I not wanna hear it, but frankly, I'm neither
to listen to it, case closed!  I am done with this discussion, so don't
even think! about writing me on or off list about it, as if I see one
e-mail from this thread, it's getting deleted and not even opened.

If you wanna write me off list to express your support in my stance, go
for it, but I'm telling you now, you put the word n v d A in your
subject, don't then expect me to read the mail.  And, if you try faking
me by an off the wall subject, believe me though I may open the mail
unknowingly, as soon as I see your disguise, you'll be deleted, and
forever e-mail blocked, so don't? try it!  I'm warnhing you now!  If
immature children! want my help, then straighten the hell up!  God
why didn't some of you get pops on the butt with a belt when you were
young.  Would a probably done you some good!


----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Halton
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: NVDA tutorials- NVDA Korea - English Site

I knew you'd take it personally Chris. Sometimes people just get
sarcastic and you can't let it get to you so much. If you re-read my
message, you'll perhaps see that there wasn't anything in there that
should get a person so upset. I mean really, all I did is answer your
question factually, then refer to myself as a gracious bugger, and ask
the question, "is it okay to mention the Windows operating system
that wasn't a slam on you. It wasn't even directed at you personally,
was more a comment on fanaticism about mentioning Windows on Mac Lists.
Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of having to pussy foot around you.
Try just ignoring things that seem like personal attacks. 99 times out
100 , they aren't, and its just something bugging you that makes them
seem like they are.

In fact, you could start by ignoring any perceived insult or personal
attack you see in this message, because there isn't any.

In case you want to flame me for speaking my mind, I'll let you know
I'm just going to hit the delete key when I see this message again, so
it'll just be a waste of your time.

Try to forget me and have a nice day.

----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Gilland
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: NVDA tutorials- NVDA Korea - English Site

Well, excuse me.  As I initially said, and meant when I did… I wasn't
trying to be rude, and the fact that you took it such way wasn't
intended.  I only was asking how it related.  It wasn't meant as a
derogatory comment.  Calm down!  I simply just didn't see the initial
part of the thread, and was asking out of curiosity.  give me a break
goodness sake!


On Jun 28, 2013, at 9:41 PM, "Phil Halton" <> wrote:

someone asked for NVDA tutorials, I assume for use in their Fusion
install of Windows. And, gracious bugger that I am, I complied.

Is it okay to speak the name of that other OS on this list? I know it
isn't on the other MAC list - just the mention of it will get you a
stern rebuke. That's probably why I don't bother with them anymore.

----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Gilland
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: NVDA tutorials- NVDA Korea - English Site

Uh?  What's this gotta do with the Mac?  Not meaning to be rude, just
curious.  Did I miss something?


----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Halton
To: Macvisionaries
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 9:52 AM
Subject: NVDA tutorials- NVDA Korea - English Site

Here's a link to a website that has some very good tutorial podcasts
NVDA. Don't forget to read the extensive and well-written help file
comes with NVDA as well.

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