Hey Harry, I bought the program but am completely lost as I can't seem
to import from my numbers document, so I figured I would just try and
start entering everything manually and can't seem to figure things
out. Not sure how I am so lost with this. I did a search for help with
Tap Forms but the website doesn't seem to have any get started guide
nor does the program. Not sure how I can be lost on this.

Harry Hogue wrote:
> Brian,
> You can arrow down through the list of records in the database, yes.  There 
> is a bit of interacting to view the particular record, as you interact with a 
> scroll area, but it really isn't difficult.  The idea of a database, if you 
> aren't familiar, is that you view a record at a time.  Say you should want to 
> find information on a customer or contact who contacted you regarding a 
> particular issue, or you want to find anything related to a particular 
> keyword, you can do a search within a specific form for any records related 
> to that keyword or keywords.  Databases work to organize information to keep 
> all like data together, which means that you have a standard form related to 
> medical visits, say.  Then you create records using that form that tell about 
> all of the different medical visits you or others had.  That way if you want 
> to find particular information on a medical visit you can search within that 
> form.  If you are looking for a particular order number to see what customer 
> it applies to, you search for it and it quickly brings up that information.  
> I have to say I haven't used it very much yet, but from what I have used of 
> it, I love it.
> I hope this is helpful and isn't to confusing.
> Thanks,
> Harry
> On May 17, 2013, at 1:04 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey Harry, Thanks so much for the info. Wil check this out in the app
> > store, as my frustration has boiled over with Numbers. Can you create
> > an accessible spreadsheet inthe mac version or something similar like
> > a list view of all your contacts that you can quickly scroll through
> > with the arrows or other commands. Just want to make sure the program
> > does what I need it to do before spending the dollars. Thanks
> >
> > On May 17, 2:13 pm, Harry Hogue <harryhog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Brian,
> >>
> >> I love Tap Forms, a database software package which costs $24.99 in the 
> >> Mac Appstore.  It works beautifully with VO, has an OSX and an IOS 
> >> version, both which must be purchased separately, although the OSX version 
> >> is the one that costs $24.99, while the IOS version is around $6.00.  You 
> >> are able to create your own form fields for database info, including 
> >> checkboxes, a notes field, a website field, regular text input areas for 
> >> name, address, etc.  In addition, you can also insert the date and time if 
> >> you want to have the current date and time automatically inserted.  It 
> >> comes with predesigned forms for you to view and add records to so you can 
> >> become comfortable with the program before you begin creating your own 
> >> database forms.
> >>
> >> I hope this helps!
> >>
> >> Harry
> >>
> >> On May 17, 2013, at 11:20 AM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> I have been using Numbers and have reached the frustration point of
> >>> all of its issues with VO. There is no search functionality when you
> >>> need to jump down a spreadsheet since Mountain Lion was introduced as
> >>> it broke the old search command. Additionally several times a day when
> >>> enterting info into a cell numbers just stops working with VO, and I
> >>> have to quit the program than reopen and go back to the cell where I
> >>> was enterting info. Also, I constantly get busy busy messages when
> >>> enterting info. Yes, I have spoken to Apple Accessibility about all
> >>> the issues and have gotten the usual response, we are aware of the
> >>> issues but can't tell you when they will be fixed. I find it pathetic
> >>> that such a forward thinking company about accessibility in Apple
> >>> can't get their own product to properly work with VO. As someone who
> >>> uses spreadsheets quite a bit for work, I need to find something else
> >>> to use. I need a program to keep track of contacts with when I last
> >>> contacted them, what the response was and other info, so viewing and
> >>> editing all of this in a spread sheet would be perfect. Is there any
> >>> spread sheet program or database program that anyone knows of that
> >>> works well with VO? Thanks so much.
> >>
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