Yeh, I think they have a bit of work to do yet.  For example,  I wanted to try 
the define a word feature.  So, I rotated to words and then Flicked to a word.  
Then I did a doubletap and hold and the menu popped up.  Only, it defined the 
word at the beginning of the sentence and nothing I did could make it go for 
any word other than a word at the beginning of a defined block of text.  It 
didn't make the reading curser follow the voiceover curser.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
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On 2013-04-28, at 2:43 PM, Jürgen Fleger <> wrote:

> Hi Voice Dream users,
> what a great app I think. Even iBooks could learn from it. ;-)
> What doesn't work for me are the gestures with two fingers. If I got it right 
> I could swipe with two fingers to the right or left two jump to the beginning 
> or end of a sentence. But when I perform this gestures nothing hapens. Same 
> is when I tap with to fingers on the screen. Or is this just a gesture for 
> users with vision?
> Thanks for your help and
> all the best
> Jürgen
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