Hi Anouk,

If you want to make it easy for your friends, and this is a link that
you will use several times yourself, you can make a web shortcut file
of the link by using TextEdit to type three lines, and then send the
file as an attachment in mail. You can put the web shortcut file on
your Desktop or in your dock, and whenever you open that file it will
open your designated browser to that web page.  Futhermore, this will
also work on Windows in whichever browser is being used.

Start by using Command-L in Saftari to move to the address bar of the
page you want to share, and do a Command-C to copy the link to your
clipboard. You can paste this in at step 4B instead of typing in the
URL to the right of the equals sign.  But I'll assume you're making a
web shortcut to the Mail Archive page for this group:

Follow these steps, using TextEdit in plain text mode, and typing the
three lines listed in steps 4A, 4B, and 4C.
1. From Finder, press Command-Shift-A to navigate to your Applications
2. Press “t” to navigate to TextEdit, and open it with Command-Down
arrow or Command-O
3. If you’re using the default TextEdit settings, press Command-Shift-
T to switch from rich text to plain text format.
4. Type the following three lines, noting that for the third line you
will simply be pressing the return key:
4A. [InternetShortcut]
4B. URL=http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries@googlegroups.com/
4C. enter key
5. Save the file with Command-S, and if you want it saved to your
Desktop press Command-Shift-D. Type in a name in the text box like
“macarchives.url” (without the quotes), and press return. You’ll be
asked to confirm that you want to use the “.url” extension instead of
“.txt”‘; just press return to accept this.
6. Close the file with Command-W

Now you have a file on your Desktop that will open Safari to the
Macvisionaries archive web site whenever you open it. If you want to
create a similar file for another web site, just change the URL
address that you put into this file. In fact, you can simply copy the
file you created, open the copy with TextEdit to change the URL
address, and then save it to another file name with a “.url”

There's also a podcast up at AppleVis demonstrating this at:

There's also a description of this on John Panarese's
macfortheblind.com site under his Tips & Tricks section.  But the
original example comes from an archived Macivsionaries list post from
a few years ago.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Apr 15, 7:35 am, Traci <our4p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> HI, if you want to share via email, hit command-shift-I.  That'll open up a 
> mail window where you can type your recipients address.
> HTH,
> Traci
> On Apr 15, 2013, at 10:34 AM, anouk radix <radix.an...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > Is there an easy way to share a link from safari with other people (via 
> > email) or should i just do it from the address bar (command+l copy/paste)?
> > Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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