Yet another unbelievably frustrating problem with Voiceover and PAges.
This happens all the time, as spell check just stops working. When it
works properly I can go trhough a document click VO shift m, drop down
to spelling and go through my document and spell check will pull up
the words I have mispelled and offer suggestions for the misspelled
words. Then what happens when it doesn't work, like now, is I do the
same exact thing, and spell check doesn't offer any word corrections,
and will not move through the document from word to word that might be
mispelled. It just stops working, which is so amazingly frustrating
when I am on deadline for an article. Anyone have any ideas as to why
this happens or a way around it? I am a pretty good speller, but type
pretty fast and sometimes the keyboard doesn't register a letter, and
I can't turn my work in with misspellings. Would be nice if Apple
Accessibility actually finally got around to making some voiceover
upgrades in mountain lion, as it has been close to a year with zero
improvements or updates. Thanks
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