One thing to do is mute the phone. When "speak notifications on lock screen" is 
disabled, and when the phone is musted with the mute switch, vo says nothing at 
all unless you touch the screen, just as you are wanting. Personally, I have my 
speech rate at 100% and the vast majority of my callers in my contacts anyway, 
so I am not overly concerned about having people hear what vo says. If it is a 
worry, though, you could mute your phone for now and be sure to disable 
speaking notifications on the lock screen. Even with the phone unmuted, all vo 
does is say the time when you get a call, provided that speak notifications 
setting is off. The only other time you would get a call is while using the 
device, and I presume you would already be using either headphones or a braille 
display anyway if you are somewhere you do not want your speech to be 
overheard. You said that the caller ID is spoken even when headphones are in, 
and I have also noticed this and will email Apple about it. I just don't think 
of it because I nearly always have my phone locked when a call comes in, so I 
tend to focus on lock screen behavior.
On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:54 PM, Ricardo Walker <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Not to sound discouraging but, I honestly don't know how many really share 
> this concern.  I'm not so sure it's unavoidable either.  One could mute 
> speech with a 3 finger double tap when not in use or, turn Voiceover off all 
> together with a 3 triple press of home, and turn either back on when 
> receiving an incoming call or, just want access to the phone.  You could even 
> turn down the volume of voiceover so it would be hard to hear if not holding 
> the device in your hand.  But I must say, of all bugs I want fixed, or 
> features I want to see added, This wouldn't even make my top 10.
> But, who knows?  I might be in the minority on this topic.  Hopefully your 
> message will urge others with the same concerns to contact Apple about it.
> JMO.,
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 3:28 PM, Emrah <> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I remember reporting this a while ago to Apple Accessibility… To no avail.
>> VoiceOver users have an unavoidable privacy issue: the automatic 
>> announcement of the caller ID of an incoming call.
>> It should be possible to make this optional, with the ability to manually 
>> interrogate the screen to know who is calling.
>> Moreover, why is it that when we have a headphone connected, the caller ID 
>> is still spoken out loud through the speakerphone?
>> What do we have to do for Apple to take this into consideration? A petition?
>> -- 
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