Hey Jessica, 

Have you tried updating your FB app on your IOS device?  I no longer have the 
issue with it that you were mentioning below and really only use my phone to 
access FB.  Granted, I'm not a huge user of FB, but I get on a few times a week 
and have no issues with the app at all other than it sometimes not telling me 
if there are comments to a news feed posting when there are actually comments.  
I'm able to find my friends, the suggested people section works just fine, and 
I even use FB messenger with my phone.  

Feel free to write me off-list if you would like, I'd be happy to help if I 
can. :) 

On Feb 26, 2013, at 9:09 PM, Jessica Moss <junglebookfa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok, well sense all of a sudden, you're suddenly wanting to start bashing us, 
> let's talk about the IOS app for a moment, sense you brought it up.  I enjoy 
> using it for the most part, but can't stand the fact that after I've 
> confermed a friend, when I find the "people you may know," option, unlike the 
> mobile site, with the IOS app, instead of it reading the names, all VO reads 
> is "Link," over and over, which becomes tiresome quickly.
>  On the plus side, I like that once you're finally able to find the message 
> you're wanting to respond to, which I unfortunately have too many of, and 
> they always seem to resurface even after I perform a delete function, it's 
> really easy to double-tap/respond to them.  So I really wish you wouldn't be 
> so quick to judge just because several of us are having issues with facebook, 
> and you may not be.
> On Feb 26, 2013, at 3:25 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> Frankly I don't know what you all's issues are with FB.  OK, I'll admit that 
>> the regular facebook.com web site is sheer shit, but even it! is somewhat! 
>> doable as long as you really! and I mean really! know what you're doing. The 
>> mobile site though in conjunction with the directions I just wrote up on how 
>> to make it work is excellent!  So much so, I almost prefer! using the mobile 
>> site with that trick on my mac as my way of doing FB even more so than the 
>> mobile site on Windows, and that should be saying something, seeing how well 
>> on Windows the mobile site works.  Another option you have is to use FaceTab 
>> Pro.  Although if you don't like the mobile version of the web site, then 
>> you're probably not gonna like FaceTab, as it's almost identical the last I 
>> looked.  I personally don't use it, as I dont' really see the need for it, 
>> seeing I find I can get by in Safari just fine with the mobile site.  The 
>> other thing is, if you have an I O S device, try the native FB app.  I 
>> swear, it does, admittedly, take some getting used to, in you all's defense, 
>> I will give yall that, but once you do! get the hang of it, it works 
>> actually extremely well.
>> Chris Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> http://www.clgproductions.com
>> E-mail: ch...@clgproductions.com
>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Christine Grassman" 
>> <cgrassman1...@gmail.com>
>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 16:57
>> Subject: Re: Using facebook on a mac
>>> I use it on my MacBook. It is reasonably usable, though not ideal. I use 
>>> "search" a lot to get to where I want to be. I have used Facebook 
>>> considerably less over the past year; it just isn't a friendly place for 
>>> screen readers.
>>> Christine
>>> On Feb 24, 2013, at 4:52 PM, "Jed Barton" <j...@jedbarton.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey gang,
>>>> Has anyone used the facebook mobile sight on a mac?  aI know that on the PC
>>>> side, the mobile sight was all screwed up.  It looked ormal on internet
>>>> exploer, and was completely screwed up on firefox.  Wondering if anyone ahs
>>>> tried it on a mac yet?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jed
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