You know, I complained about this last year to the folks at TaxAct and hoped 
they would consider other options. Maybe I ought to move my tax preparation 
somewhere else.  these companies need to get the hint that CAPTCHA puzzles are 
unacceptable.  Hey, Ticket Master is learning; they are dumping CAPTCHA this 
year - good on them.

On Feb 7, 2013, at 7:57 PM, Paul Hunt <> wrote:

> Gigi when you efile with Taxact you are asked to type the characters in a 
> picture into a box.
> On Feb 7, 2013, at 8:33 PM, Eugenia Firth <> wrote:
>>  Hi there
>> I don't know. Maybe I missed something here, but what is the caption?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 7, 2013, at 8:24 PM, Paul Hunt <> wrote:
>>> How did you deal with the capsha?
>>> On Feb 7, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Eugenia Firth <> wrote:
>>>> Hi there
>>>> Do you think it would help to use the iPhone or iPad if you have one? I 
>>>> had a lot better luck with my iPhone with TaxACT as I have mentioned 
>>>> before. I will admit though that my husband help me finish the process 
>>>> because since we were filing together, he needed to look at what we were 
>>>> turning it. Maybe next year I'll I'll do it myself to see how that works 
>>>> using either the Mac or the iPhone.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Gigi
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Feb 7, 2013, at 1:26 PM, Phil Halton <> wrote:
>>>>> thanks cheryl, I have webvisum plugin in firefox, and, unless things have 
>>>>> changed since I last used it, that should get me through the process. 
>>>>> Otherwise, I'll have to rely on my neighbor's 80 year old eyes to  figure 
>>>>> out the captcha - that oughta be fun.
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: Cheryl Homiak
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 11:47 AM
>>>>> Subject: Re: Accessibility of tax Filing process
>>>>> There is still a captcha at the end of the filing process for taxact. My 
>>>>> safari add-on did not solve the captcha for me and I assumed this had 
>>>>> something to do with security or something on the website. You may need 
>>>>> sighted help for this. Also, be sure to keep checking on the website 
>>>>> taxact gives you for your filing status. My federal and state were 
>>>>> invalid the first time and this was not because of anything i did; it was 
>>>>> something about the transmission so I had to submit a second time; this 
>>>>> didn't involve payment again for state or anything. I had to get a 
>>>>> neighbor over to do the captcha for me that second time; my reader had 
>>>>> been here the first time. But that was the only glitch and that one 
>>>>> captcha is the only real problem I had.
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Cheryl
>>>>>> May the words of my mouth
>>>>>> and the meditation of my heart
>>>>>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>>>>>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>>>>>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>>>>> On Feb 7, 2013, at 7:59 AM, "Phil Halton" <> wrote:
>>>>>> are you saying that there is no captcha? I can't remember if I 
>>>>>> encountered one last year using firefox on windows. Is there something 
>>>>>> different that allows people to use safari successfully without captcha 
>>>>>> problems now?
>>>>>> I'm just starting the process now using firefox and would like to know 
>>>>>> more about this ?
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Holmes" 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> To: <>
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 7:32 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Accessibility of tax Filing process
>>>>>> I'm glad people are able to use tax to do their taxes from the 
>>>>>> Mac. Last year, I did it using Firefox on a linux machine and it 
>>>>>> generally went well until I ran into their CAPTCHA that I encountered 
>>>>>> every time I wanted to efile my return. Thank God for webvisum at the 
>>>>>> time. I sure hope they quit using that this year.
>>>>>> The reason people like using these type services like taxact or Turbo 
>>>>>> Tax is they will transfer your 1040 data over to the respective state 
>>>>>> forms for you if you choose to do state returns with them also. It's 
>>>>>> much easier that way. No paper, no signatures, money can be sent or 
>>>>>> received directly to your bank accounts and all that good stuff.  I 
>>>>>> wouldn't want to do it any other way.
>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 5:28 PM, Eugenia Firth <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi there
>>>>>>> Well, this brings our topic back on to the Mac   subject. Let me tell 
>>>>>>> you what I did last year. After I downloaded the text files, I selected 
>>>>>>> all the text for the form that I wanted and put the text of the form 
>>>>>>> into numbers so that I have a column B that had the Text of the form. 
>>>>>>> Then, I put the numbers I wanted and added them up where I needed them 
>>>>>>> et cetera. works real well for figuring out what I was going to end up 
>>>>>>> with. The last year, I did the PDF files on my husbands this to 
>>>>>>> computer. However I don't want to do at this year.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Gigi
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 7:19 PM, Cheryl Homiak <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Yes, I know this is a little OT but I download the brf or text files 
>>>>>>>> every year to figure out my returns manually before I go through the 
>>>>>>>> process especially if I'm taking them to somebody else to do! If you 
>>>>>>>> go to the IRS website and to accessibility you can find them. And you 
>>>>>>>> can fill in the text files in Text Edit just for your own edification. 
>>>>>>>> I actually do them in terminal with brltty and my braille display but 
>>>>>>>> of corse this is just for my own benefit not to send anywhere.
>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> Cheryl
>>>>>>>> May the words of my mouth
>>>>>>>> and the meditation of my heart
>>>>>>>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>>>>>>>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>>>>>>>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 6:44 PM, Eugenia Firth <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> The alternative media center is somehow contracted to do these 
>>>>>>>>> things. They produce publications, forms in both PDS TXT and BRF 
>>>>>>>>> files. The PDF files are altered to be accessible. The regular PDF 
>>>>>>>>> files, at this time, are not accessible, so the alternative media 
>>>>>>>>> center fixes them to be that way. Those PDF files work quite Well. I 
>>>>>>>>> had filled out some really horrible PDF forms using windows.
>>>>>>>>> We get them done, you have to print them up and send them by mail 
>>>>>>>>> semi colon is not electronic filing. Cheryl gave a good summation of 
>>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>>> Well, to make this Mac related, it's too bad that we can't have those 
>>>>>>>>> same files work on our next around the iPhone. Of course, we've had 
>>>>>>>>> that little talk before.
>>>>>>>>> Regards, GG, who promises not to go off on a tangent anymore.
>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 3:43 PM, Marc Sutton <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for that summation. I guess those electronic pdf files which 
>>>>>>>>>> you refer to are some service of the irs? I'll take a spin on their 
>>>>>>>>>> website.
>>>>>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 12:56 PM, Eugenia Firth <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Unless there is something new (which is possible), the IRS doesn't 
>>>>>>>>>>> offer, unless you're an employee, direct electronic filing. You 
>>>>>>>>>>> have to go through an approved electronic filer. I don't believe, 
>>>>>>>>>>> unless things have changed, that you can just electronic file 
>>>>>>>>>>> directly from your computer to the IRS web site. You can fill out 
>>>>>>>>>>> those PDF files done by the Alternative Media Center. I did that 
>>>>>>>>>>> last year. However, you do have to use Windows to do those. They 
>>>>>>>>>>> are accessible with Windows. Too bad good old Adobe hasn't got on 
>>>>>>>>>>> the stickso we can do them with our Macs.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Gigi
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 1:31 PM, Marc Sutton <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am wondering what makes these sites beter than using the irs's 
>>>>>>>>>>>> own electronic filing system. Is it inaccessible? I am thinking 
>>>>>>>>>>>> about filing electronically for the first time this year and am 
>>>>>>>>>>>> not up to date on all the options. Thanks for catching me up.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 7:51 AM, Randy George <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>                  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> i have used in the past and it has worked 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fairly well for me.  free for federal filing and only like ten 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bucks for state.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hth,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> randy
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 10:49 AM, Marc Sutton <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was wondering if anyone has found a more accessible tax filing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solution than the taxact site mentioned in the previous messages 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of this thread.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 5:19 AM, Eugenia Firth <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi again
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I forgot to mention something. I found the process of dealing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with TaxACT to be easier on my iPhone. I have no idea why. The 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> input of                        the basic information on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mac I found it easier easy, but when I got around to putting in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the tax information, I found my iPhone worked a lot better. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know this sounds weird, but that's my experience with it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gigi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 7:44 AM, Cheryl Homiak <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the information; I had been planning to use Taxact 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but saw the state's free e-file and wanted to investigate it. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I haven't done anything yet except go through the forms 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manually and figure everything out as to refund amounts so I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will know what I'm doing when I actually file. So if you input 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the information, which is certainly possible, does this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eliminate the need to send attachments after receiving the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acknowledgment of the receipt of your return or does Taxact do 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this for you? I definitely do intend to complain about the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inaccessibility of this system; there is plenty of information 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on these documents that can be validated by directly inputting 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead of having to send the attachment with scanned files.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheryl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> May the words of my mouth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the meditation of my heart
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 6:17 AM, Eugenia Firth <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Cheryl.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First, how far have you gone in this process? If you have not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> already started sending through your state's web site, you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> may be able to send both your federal and state at the same 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time. Although there are some issues with accessibility which 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can further explain if you need to know, I have been using 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tax Act at for the first time this year. I finally 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> figured the best way do it to make the process work better.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If, however, you have gone far enough in the process where 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you're ready to send in the papers, it sounds like you could 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scan them and send them. However, I for one would be a little 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skeptical about doing that because it would be difficult if 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not impossible for you to check the accuracy of what you sent 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in. I guess our sighted friends get to look at the image 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before they send it in. (The state should be yelled at for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing it this way because it's not the best accessibility 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> choice. It's been my experience, as a former blind IRS 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> employee, that the federal systems are usually more 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessible than the state's. At least that true for Texas.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you use a web site like however, you can type 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the W-2 information yourself so that, although it's a pain 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to edit, you can do it if you make a mistake. If you get all 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the information together first so that you can input it all 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at once, the process is easier. Presumably you can do the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same with the state information although I have not tried it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since Texas doesn't have a state income tax. But I notice 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is a choice for state questions and answers for putting 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope all this makes sense. If I can help you further, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please ask.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gigi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 28, 2013, at 12:11 AM, Cheryl Homiak 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been getting things to gether to do my taxes and was 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looking at the process for my state. I see that after I get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my acknowledgment back I have to send them an attachment 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with files of my w2, rent certificate, and other papers. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would imagine maybe the IRS requires this for the federal 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> return too. So I have two questions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (1) Does anybody know whether the transfer mechanism for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sending these files is accessible on the Mac?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (2) Is this just a matter of scanning the files? My state 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says it accepts tif, bmp, jpg and pdf files. But I'm 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wondering if just scanning them like I do my mail and books 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is going to be okay or whether they could still receive an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attachment with unreadable files. I'd really like to be able 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to do this but I sure don't want to make my tax experience a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> long, drawn-out one or have to re-do everything and have to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wait and wait for my refund.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any input would be appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheryl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> May the words of my mouth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the meditation of my heart
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
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