Does anyone know where I could look at a nice app list for Ipads? I really want to put Siri on but like Spire hasn't been updated to IOS 6.1 yet.

On 2/6/13 9:05, Raul A. Gallegos wrote:
Hi, The app Springtomize is very good. It allowed me to get rid of about 15 separate jailbreak apps and tweaks because of how much it does. The app is $3.00, but is well worth it. It allows me to customize how many rows of icons and how many icons per row to have on the home screen. It allows me to customize how many icons on the dock and the app switcher. It allows me to have more than 12 or 16 apps in folders. It allows me to customize the slide to unlock text on the lock screen. I have it saying, Hello Raul. It allows me to show seconds on the clock if I want. That's just a few of the things it does. That tweak, along with several others from the following web site are highly recommended. 

Raul A. Gallegos
Home Page:

On 2/5/2013 10:59 AM, Emilio wrote:
Hello Rich and others,

Jailbreaking while not a welcomed option for everyone does have benefits.
Like many users on this list have already shared, jailbreaking offers
the user customization capabilities such as installing programs that are
not available through the App Store.

Personally, I find that “Poof,” gives me the option to hide unnecessary
stock apps, or apps that otherwise I feel clutter my springboard. While
hiding selected apps, the functionality thereof is not lost. For
instance, if I choose to hide the “contacts” app or the “notes” app, I
can still access these apps via spotlight.

“Folder close,” is another jailbreak tweak that does exactly what the
title suggests. Upon launching an app from a folder I have created, the
folder automatically closes and is not left open, which is opposite to
what the standard practice is without jailbreaking.

Hope this has been helpful.

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