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> Please, help us get the word out about this new tool available to those with 
> vision loss…
> New American Foundation for the Blind App Helps People with Vision Loss 
> Easily Take Notes on iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch®
> New York (February 1, 2013)—For the millions of Americans with vision loss 
> looking for a simple, convenient way to take notes at work, at school, or at 
> home, the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) today launched the 
> AccessNote™, a specialized notetaker for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
> “Apple products have earned high points from us for their out-of-the-box 
> accessibility for users who are blind or visually impaired,” said Carl R. 
> Augusto, AFB president and CEO. “We designed this app to complement the 
> iPhone’s other popular features, like web browsing and email, so that users 
> who are blind have all the tools they need in one, handy device.”
> A traditional notetaker is a portable electronic device that enables users 
> who are blind or visually impaired to take notes, create documents, and 
> access applications. These devices, extremely valuable for people who are 
> blind or visually impaired, usually provide either speech or braille output 
> (or both).  They retail for upwards of $2,000 and much more for those with a 
> built-in braille display; AFB’s AccessNote app is available for $19.99.
> In addition to being a low-cost alternative to traditional notetakers, 
> AccessNote allows users to combine efficient notetaking with many other 
> features and functions of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This allows 
> people who are blind or visually impaired to use the same popular devices 
> that their sighted peers are using in classroom or business settings.
> This is the first notetaking app developed and designed specifically for 
> users with vision loss. AFB evaluated many of the other available notetaking 
> apps, but found none to be very efficient or user-friendly to people who are 
> blind or visually impaired.
> What sets the AccessNote apart includes:
> Seamless Navigation. Customized keyboard commands make notetaking more 
> intuitive and productive than ever before, including quick access to 
> important features like Search All Notes, Search Within a Note, as well as 
> several navigation options.
> Automatic Saving. With an automatic save on every few keystrokes, notes will 
> never be lost.
> Cursor tracking. When navigating among multiple sets of notes, users can 
> always pick up right where they left off.
> Unparalleled Simplicity. With a clutter-free interface, users can create, 
> read, find, and sync, making it easier to spend more time with actual content 
> and less time with tools.
> DropBox Integration. All notes, always on hand. DropBox keeps AccessNote in 
> sync with the user’s desktop (and other devices) so their notes are always 
> available and backed up.
> Compatibility with Bluetooth keyboards. AccessNote is optimized for 
> efficiency with the Apple Wireless Keyboard and for today’s wireless braille 
> displays.
> AccessNote was developed in conjunction with FloCo Apps and is available on 
> the App Store(sm).
> ###
> About AFB
> The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) is a national nonprofit that 
> expands possibilities for people with vision loss. AFB's priorities include 
> broadening access to technology; elevating the quality of information and 
> tools for the professionals who serve people with vision loss; and promoting 
> independent and healthy living for people with vision loss by providing them 
> and their families with relevant and timely resources. Headquartered in New 
> York, AFB is proud to house the Helen Keller Archives and honor the more than 
> 40 years that Helen Keller worked tirelessly with AFB.

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