Try going to the book content before trying the roter. 

Sent from my iPod with iCloud
On 01/02/2013, at 6:32 AM, Richard Ring <> wrote:

I am reading a fairly lengthy textbook using iBooks. What I am wondering, is 
there a way to read a line at a time? Now, the first thing is, in my VoiceOver 
rotor settings the "lines" option is selected. However, while reading in 
iBooks, the "lines" option is not present on the rotor. Just saying, this 
option is present on the rotor when in the Nook app. Does anyone have thoughts 
on this one, or am I out of luck here?

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

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