Wow, that's awesome, thanks everyone! Especially digging the quick way
to add a friend by using the tweet text edit field.


On 1/24/13, Alex Hall <> wrote:
> Just to add:
> •a friend is someone you follow, whether or not they follow you back or even
> know who you are. Usually, large companies or news sites have a great many
> followers, meaning that every follower of them has them as a friend.
> •a follower is someone following you.
> •when you send a tweet, your friends don't see it but your followers do.
> When a friend sends a tweet, you see it because you are a follower of your
> friends. When a follower sends a tweet, you don't see it because you may not
> be following that follower (A.K.A. you may not be a friend of that
> follower).
> To follow someone, I find it easiest to use a tweet. If you know the
> person's Twitter name, just write a new tweet saying:
> F @username
> where the F is capitalized and the @username is the person's Twitter handle,
> such as @VOTips or @MacWorld. Un-following has already been covered (and I
> never knew how to do that except through the drawer, so thanks to those who
> posted those steps). By the way, that follow command tweet will not appear
> in your timeline as long as you have it properly typed.
> On Jan 24, 2013, at 10:12 AM, Rachel Feinberg <> wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> To access your friends/followers, press cmd+l. You'll be on the following
>> tab, which lists those you're following. To go to the followers tab, just
>> vo+right arrow once and vo+space on where it says followers. Then go to
>> the table, interact with it, and find the person you wish to adjust the
>> setting for. Press vo+shift+m on their name, and go down to either follow,
>> or unfollow depending on the status.
>> HTH,
>> Rachel
>> On Jan 24, 2013, at 7:07 AM, Marc Rocheleau <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> As usual, the subject says it all. I cannot figure out how to add or
>>> remove friends/followers from YoruFukurou. I've searched through the
>>> menus and different options but haven't come up with anything.
>>> If anyone could help me out, I would be extremely grateful. Thanks in
>>> advance!
>>> -Marc
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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