Hello Laura, Rafael, J.P., Kimsan, Gigi, and Others

You can manage both the type of your subscriptions (No Email, Email, Digest 
Email, or Unsubscribe to permanently leave the list) and the email address(es) 
that you use for all your Google Group list memberships by going to the 
following URL, which is the page for "Manage My Memberships"


This page lets you select the email address used to receive list posts as well 
as your subscription type option from pop up menus for each list you subscribe 
to under Google Groups. However, this only lets you select the email address 
you use from among the valid (posting) email addresses that are already 
associated with your account.  If you want your subscription to go to a new 
email address, navigate to the link on the above page for "My Google account"  
to Change your email address, nickname, or password. VO-Space on that link to 
navigate to the "Account Overview" page.  Then use item chooser menu (VO-I), 
type in "Email", and navigate to the section with the Email information for 
your account.  You can activate the "Edit" link immediately following "Email" 
to make general changes to your account, including adding any Email addresses 
you want to under the "Change your associated Email addresses" heading by 
typing in additional Email addresses into the text box for "Add a new alternate 
Email" and then pressing the "Save" button.  Alternatively, if you simply want 
to change the primary email for the account, on the "Account Overview" page you 
can navigate directly to the "Edit" link immediately following the "Primary 
email address" info and activate that link.  

For more details and answers to related specific questions, check the following 
list posts that were found from a search of this list's archives:
• Re: The New Google Groups Site and viewing/changing membership options?
• Re: Changing list email address and subscription options [was Re: How to stop 
receiving mail from the list without unsubscribing?]

These posts explain various other questions that came up, like reminding users 
that if you're prompted to log in with an email address and password, the email 
address you use is the one you used to create your Google Account -- it need 
not be your current email address.  Also, the above procedure of adding email 
addresses associated with your account assumes that you have not created 
multiple Google Accounts by multiple unsubscribes and creations of new Google 
Accounts.  You only ever need to modify one account to manage your 
subscriptions, and you cannot add  multiple email addresses that are already 
associated with different Google Accounts that you have forgotten about.  If 
you do add new Email addresses from the "Account Overview" page, you can 
navigate back to the "Manage My Memberships" page and change the pop up menu 
buttons for which address is used to receive mail subscriptions.  And you can 
post to the list using Email addresses from any of the addresses that you have 
added, and which appear in the pop-up menu.

If you want to read up or down the linked threads at the Mail Archive for this 
list, use Control+p to read previous posts in the thread, and Control+n to read 
the next post in the thread.  (These shortcut keys are for Safari).

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jan 22, 2013, at 12:25 PM, Laura ann Grymes, LMT wrote:

> Is there a way to change email address?
> I have checked under the settings but couldn't find it so subscribed under a 
> new address where I want to receive email but haven't been approved yet.
> Didn't know if I could change my subscription over manually at this link?
> Thanks,
> Laura Ann

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

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