Well, thanks! It's good to know. I shouldn't be a creature of habbit anyway! 
Thanks for your assistance!

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro 

On Jan 22, 2013, at 9:07 AM, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> You're right on the mark, not missing anything.  The VO-j command jumps you 
> to the Preview Pane and because you've removed it, that is no longer the 
> method to use.  I've always used the "return/cmd-w" method so it's never been 
> an issue for me.  I certainly understand people's frustration though that are 
> used to VO-j or other methods.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-01-22, at 5:51 AM, Richard Ring <richr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Tim and list:
>> These instructions were brilliant, and now I see message status. However, I 
>> have a dumb question to ask, and perhaps I'm staring something right in the 
>> face and overlooking it. Before getting rid of the preview pane, when I was 
>> in a list of messages, I would press v o J to go into a message, and v o j 
>> to return to the messages table. Well, this command no longer works for me. 
>> When I press v o j now, I always find myself interacting with the mailboxes 
>> table. Is this because in the past, VO j was  interacting with the preview 
>> pane? I know I'm missing something. I can, of course, read a message by 
>> pressing enter, and return to the messages table by pressing command w. Just 
>> curious as to the reason for this change in behavior.
>> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
>>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
>> richr...@gmail.com
>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 5:35 PM, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Richard,
>>> Here's the content of a message I posted a while back that explains how to 
>>> get rid of the Preview pane and down at the bottom of the content, it 
>>> explains how you can confirm that it's enabled/disable.  When the Preview 
>>> pane is disable, you normally can determine the read/unread status of 
>>> messages.
>>> 1.  Removing the Preview Pane in Classic layout: 
>>> • Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter that is to the right of the Messages 
>>> table. 
>>> • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if needed).  This will bring the mouse to the VO 
>>> cursor and announce where the mouse is and it should read "Horizontal 
>>> Splitter". 
>>> • Double-click on your Trackpad or alternatively, you can press near the 
>>> top of the Trackpad and drag to the bottom.  Make sure in this case that 
>>> you actually make the Trackpad button depress so that the drag action will 
>>> work. 
>>> 2.  Removing the Preview Pane for non-Classic or Normal layout: 
>>> • Navigate to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages 
>>> Column Group. 
>>> • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if necessary) to bring the mouse to the VO 
>>> cursor.  It will announce Vertical Splitter if it did what it was supposed 
>>> to do. 
>>> • Double-click on the Trackpad or alternatively, put your finger near the 
>>> left hand side of the Trackpad, then drag to the far right and release.  As 
>>> in the first case, make sure that you depress the Trackpad button so that 
>>> the dragging process will occur. 
>>> Note that in the Classic layout, you are dealing with a Horizontal Splitter 
>>> and in the non-Classic layout, you are dealing with a Vertical Splitter. 
>>> Each case requires a different dragging direction if you choose that 
>>> option. 
>>> There are a couple of ways of determining if it worked.  Firstly, you can 
>>> navigate around the Mail screen and if you don't hear anything about 
>>> "Message Content Area", life is good. 
>>> The second method is a little more complicated but tells you for sure.  In 
>>> Classic layout, navigate to the Horizontal Splitter to the right of the 
>>> "New Mailbox Action" menu.  You'll notice two Horizontal splitters, one 
>>> after the Messages Table and this one that I'm talking about. Once you've 
>>> located this Horizontal Splitter, Interact with it and press VO-down.  VO 
>>> will announce "Collapsed" which is what you want to hear.  In non-Classic 
>>> (Normal) layout, navigate to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the 
>>> Messages Column Group and Interact with it.  Press VO-right and VO will 
>>> announce "Collapsed" if the Preview pane is gone.
>>> See if that helps.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2013-01-21, at 3:50 PM, Richard Ring <richr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I honestly don't know if it is, I don't know how to tell.
>>>> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of 
>>>> Fielding
>>>>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
>>>> richr...@gmail.com
>>>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 1:52 PM, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Richard,
>>>>> Is your Preview Pane active?
>>>>> Later...
>>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>>> On 2013-01-20, at 8:00 AM, Richard Ring <richr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Mine doesn't either, once in a while the reply was sent button will 
>>>>>> appear, but I can never know whether a message was read or not.
>>>>>> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of 
>>>>>> Fielding
>>>>>>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
>>>>>> richr...@gmail.com
>>>>>> On Jan 19, 2013, at 10:04 PM, Kerri <shalo...@shaw.ca> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello, all. Ever since I've had this Mac, VO does not state whether a 
>>>>>>> message is unread. I have my mail set on classic but even when I change 
>>>>>>> it, it is all to no avail. Thanks for any help here.
>>>>>>> -- 
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