Wow!  It's difficult to impress me:  but, you just did with this message.  How 
the blases did you learn all that? Wow!!

Any manuals on how one totally unfamiluar with that stuff should get started?  
Bear in mind my math background is dredfully weak.  Thanks.

Gonna save this one for sure!!

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 15, 2013, at 10:17 PM, Barry Hadder <> wrote:

> Hi Yuma,
> I'm going to assum that you've alreay spent some time messing around with 
> xCode so the things I'm going to say will make since.
> First, when you have your xib or storyboard editor open, make sure that "show 
> document outline" is selected in the editor menu.  if it is, then you will 
> find "hide document outline".
> Now you should find and outline list in the xib editor where you will be able 
> to see all of the UI elements on the pallet.
> Make sure that the utilities are visible with command-option-0 or select it 
> in view/utilities.  If they are visible, you will be able to find an 
> inspector group and a library group to the right of the source code group and 
> the vertical splitter next to it.
> To add an object to your pallet, interact with the library group, select the 
> object radio button, interact with the objects scroll area, and choose what 
> you are wanting with the vo cursor.  You can use the search field and I've 
> also found that the items chooser works very nicely here.
> Rout the mouse to vo and lock it down with vo-option-command-space.  I'm 
> pretty sure you are getting the idea but I'll keep going just in case.
> Move vo back to the outline list in the xib editor and interact with it.  
> Move vo to the point in the list that you want the object and release the 
> mouse.
> It takes far less time to do it than it does to tell about it.  Now you need 
> to incorporate it into your code.  I'm going to assume that the object in 
> question is a text field because you probably wont do this for a button.  And 
> please note the probably.
> Open the assistant editor with command-option-return.  This will open the 
> header file associated with the xib.
> Select the object you just added in the outline, interact with the inspector 
> group, select connections inspector and interact with the scroll area.  You 
> might want to  look around and see what is there.  All of the things you find 
> can also be access programmatically if you prefer.
> Find referencing outlets and make sure it is expanded.  Then find "new 
> referencing outlet.  Just to the right of it, vo read read something as 
> unknown" but don't worry about that.
> With vo on the unknown thing, rout the mouse to vo and lock it down.
> Move vo to the point in the header file where the outlet should be.  Some 
> where between the @interface and @end. Then release the mouse.
> In the box that pops up, all you have to do is type the name of the property 
> and hit OK.  Now you should see a property in the header referencing the 
> object in your nib.
> You can use this same drag method to connect outlets from one object to 
> another.  For example:
> It is common to set a textField delegate by making a connection to an object 
> in interface builder.  To do something like that however, remember to turn 
> cursor tracking off or xCode will crash.  This is because when you select 
> another object in the outline, the inspector will change.
> Now, to position the object.
> Select it from the outline and choose the size inspector.  Make sure that the 
> layout rectangle is selected.  
> If you move vo around, you should find the x and y values for the origin and 
> for the width and height.  You position it in the window by setting the 
> origin.  A good rule to fallow is to position a control 20 pixels from the 
> edge of the window.  So to set the left edge of a text field 20 pixels from 
> the left edge of the window and 20 from the top:
> Set the origin to top left corner, set x origin to 20, and set y origin to 
> window height minus 20.
> Well I don't think I left anything out, but if I did, I'm sure I told enough 
> to get you started.  I'm sure that you got way more than you bargained for in 
> this response as it is.:)  I just don't see any easy way to explain how to do 
> this stuff.  Again, it takes way less time to do it than it does to tell how. 
>  I'm talking seconds for many of the things covered.  However, laying 
> elements out correctly is a little tuff and it took me a while before I felt 
> productive at it.  I don't think that it is any easier doing it 
> programmatically either and both methods have their pluses and minuses.  The 
> fact is that there is no way that is going to be as easy as positioning 
> something in a window by dragging it around on the screen.  The point is that 
> in spite of this, it can be done without sight.
> And Lastly, I wont to bring to vo keystrokes to your attention.  They are 
> vo-command-f2, vo-command-f3, and vo-shift-`.  They are invaluable for 
> building interfaces while blind.  I personally didn't know about them until I 
> stumbled on to them when I was having problems determining if something I did 
> was working correctly.  You will see why they are important when you start 
> using springs and struts, or auto layout.
> --
>               Barry Hadder
> UnitMaster
> Available in the Mac app store.
> On Jan 15, 2013, at 7:25 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux <> wrote:
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> Mob: +642102277190
> Skype: Shainobi1
> twitter:
> This message is protected by article 4-210 of a certain book of laws but you 
> don't have to worry about privacy issues if you are the intended recipient. 
> However, if any freakish circumstance such as ip sniffing, honey pot open 
> relay servers or an honest mistake caused a transmission error, please advise 
> the sender and throw your laptop into a bubble bath to avoid all illicit data 
> retention.
> On 16/01/2013, at 2:24 PM, Yuma decaux <> wrote:
>> Hi barry,
>> You mentioned being able to use interface builder with voice over. Have you 
>> been doing it with the mouse/drag and drop or by code? If the latter, can 
>> you provide me a link i can read on it? I have spent yesterday evening/night 
>> figuring out how to work it with vo and reading on a lot of guides and 
>> example ui elements.
>> Any help greatly appreciated.
>> Best regards,
>> Yuma 
>> <zato1.jpg>
>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>> Mob: +642102277190
>> Skype: Shainobi1
>> twitter:
>> This message is protected by article 4-210 of a certain book of laws but you 
>> don't have to worry about privacy issues if you are the intended recipient. 
>> However, if any freakish circumstance such as ip sniffing, honey pot open 
>> relay servers or an honest mistake caused a transmission error, please 
>> advise the sender and throw your laptop into a bubble bath to avoid all 
>> illicit data retention.
>> On 16/01/2013, at 12:09 PM, Barry Hadder <> wrote:
>>> Harry,
>>> I know that this post is kind of old , but it doesn't look like you
>>> ever got an answer, and I think I can help.
>>> First of all, you can read the output of your command line program in
>>> the debug console.  In the source group, move the vo cursor until you
>>> here it say "debug" and interact with it.  Then move vo until you hear
>>> "debug console".
>>> As far as learning programming goes, it sounds like you have the right
>>> approach.  Learn the basic mechanics and program structures such as
>>> loops, functions, pointers, etc.  Then start learning about object
>>> oriented programming.  There are lots of different oop languages out
>>> there and they all have their own syntax, but the most important thing
>>> to focus on is the concepts of oop.  It certainly takes a lot of
>>> practice, but I think that you will find that it is easier than you
>>> think.
>>> You can use interface builder with vo to design an interface, but I
>>> wouldn't recommend you do much with that until you are very
>>> comfortable with oop concepts.
>>> Hope that helped.
>>> Harry Hogue wrote:
>>>> Hello, guys,
>>>> First, I am completely new to programming, and I've heard that it is best 
>>>> to start with learning C programming and then move to Objective C which is 
>>>> what is used for OSX and IOS.  I have downloaded Xcode 4.5.2, I think it 
>>>> is, and was wondering if there are any general suggestions for using it 
>>>> with VoiceOver.  Since much of the interface is dragging and dropping, my 
>>>> instinct says that coding instead would be the more logical, if 
>>>> time-consuming choice.  In this way, the programmer would have a better 
>>>> idea of exactly where on the screen things appear, etc.
>>>> Since I am completely new to programming, I would like to get started in a 
>>>> way that is helpful.  I have looked at C programming tutorials, but when I 
>>>> try and test the command line tool template program @HelloWorld,@ I get 
>>>> the message, @Build Succeeded@ but nothing else from VoiceOver.  Something 
>>>> tells me the message appeared and then went away, as it is supposed to, 
>>>> but VoiceOver never read it.  For purposes of playing with code and 
>>>> testing my code, how should I approach this_  is there a certain file(s) I 
>>>> should be inputting code into as I read tutorials online, and a certain 
>>>> way to test them or a place to test them with VoiceOver so they will be 
>>>> read by VoiceOver_
>>>> Again, I am just wanting to play around with the basics, here.  it 
>>>> fascinates me.  I have no plans for creating much of anything -- 
>>>> programming takes years and years of practice, and, more importantly, 
>>>> errors and learning how to redo code and debugging to get it right.
>>>> Thanks for any pointers, guys.
>>>> Harry
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