Hi there
It made me wait too late to say this, but I have an app on my iPhone called 
Apple Store. I downloaded it from of course, the App Store. It's free, and ones 
on the iPhone, and you can choose whatever you want from the Apple Store.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 26, 2012, at 7:55 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu <kawa...@me.com> wrote:

> Hello Chris.
> Like you, I do not see the gift option on my Ios device either. I'm using the 
> I phone 5. I am seeing the same screen az you describe.
> Kawal.
> On 26 Dec 2012, at 01:50 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland <clgillan...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Chris, I definitely am not seeing what you are talking about.
>> When I went into ITunes on my I O S device, I for one, didn't see my Apple 
>> ID near the bottom.  All I have are the tabs like genious, movies, 
>> purchased, More, etc.
>> Right above that, I have the screen containing the last search results that 
>> I did a search for.  I did back myself out of that screen, but it still did 
>> no good.  It still is landing me right back in that same area.  I even 
>> closed and re-opened ITunes by first getting it out of the app switcher, 
>> then I went back and double tapped on it to relaunch.  Same thing.  I'm not 
>> seeing this gift button anywhere.
>> Thank you kindly,
>> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris H" <christopher...@gmail.com>
>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 5:45 PM
>> Subject: Re: Extremely Disappointed
>>> Hello all
>>> I got a gift card for a friend of mine right in iOs. Here's how you do it.
>>> 1. Open the iTunes or app store on your iOs device of course.
>>> 2. Towards the bottom of the screen, to the left of your Apple Id, is a 
>>> send gift button. Double tap on that.
>>> 3. Tick or check the radio button that most suits you. In this case I 
>>> ticked 15. To do this double tap on a radio button.
>>> 4. Double tap next.
>>> 5. Type a message. This is optional. Then double tap next.
>>> 6. A confirmation screen appears. If you accept, double tap on something 
>>> like buy.
>>> 7. If successful, double tap done.
>>> I quite like how it's done on the iOs device. Not only can you send preset 
>>> amounts up to 100, you can also specify an amount by double tapping on the 
>>> other text field.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Christopher Hallsworth
>>> On 25/12/2012 14:13, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>>>> OK, I know it's Christmas, BTW, Merry! Christmas, but, I cannot help but
>>>> to really vent here.  I wake up this morning, with another one of my
>>>> super sonic migraines, which doesn't help matters, but then, I come
>>>> into  ITunes to send my mom a gift card.  First of all, They clame I owe
>>>> them more money because of an outstanding balance.  They've done this to
>>>> me before, when I in all actuality didn't owe them anything.  It took my
>>>> bank having to send them a copy of my bank account statement and a
>>>> debate form before they agreed to let it go.  So it isn't like this is
>>>> the first time this has happened.  Granted they said I only owed like
>>>> maybe a dollar, if that, but still! why pay something I dont' owe!  So
>>>> then, as if that isn't enough, I try switching my funding source to
>>>> PayPal, as I knew I had the funds in there to cover that balance plus my
>>>> gift card.  After about 10 minutes, I finally gave up on trying that, as
>>>> even restarting Voiceover, and even rebooting and restarting ITunes
>>>> didn't help.  All I got was ITunes busy. After about 5 minutes, that
>>>> quit, then I noticed that even after clicking the edit link to edit my
>>>> info on the view my ID screen, it wouldn't take me to the page I
>>>> needed.  Instead, it took me just to some random page on the main ITunes
>>>> store page.  I know it was random, as I tried again, and then got a
>>>> whole different page altogether.  Finally, I don't know what the hell I
>>>> did, but I finally got it to work.  I get it changed, get the
>>>> outstanding balance paid, go to pay for the card, and right after taking
>>>> my outstanding payment, it then pops up again! and told me again! I owed
>>>> them.  So, I spend about another 10 minutes might I add from my I O S
>>>> device, since the mac wasn't cooperating.  Finally I get it switched to
>>>> my actual credit card, which I normally refuse to use on ITunes, but
>>>> whatever.  I then go back to the mac, and try getting the gift card.
>>>> Not only have they totally redone the gift card area, but I can't click
>>>> the drop down any more to select the amount, none of the gift card
>>>> designs read, so for all I know, I'm sending her a get well gift card,
>>>> not a Christmas one.  No alt text.  Plus, vo+space on any of them
>>>> presents the classic ever so nice no you don't! ding ding ding.  I can't
>>>> even change the amount.  Oh, which btw, why did I never get told that
>>>> their polacy changed and now I can't do $10.00 any more?  All I can now
>>>> do is $15 at the least, which is more than I have currently?
>>>> So great! Shit! I now have no way of getting my mom what she wanted.  I
>>>> can't call Apple for help as obviously they're closed, and the last time
>>>> about the store I wrote accessibility as well as ITunes support, they
>>>> told me they'd get the issue fixed.  Well, that was back right when
>>>> ITunes 11 first come out.  Still nothing.  Oh and btw, I tried the
>>>> suggestion offered by an individual on here to stop interacting with the
>>>> web area, then start again.  That did absolutely no good.
>>>> This is Mountain Lion, with the newest version of ITunes.  I'll tell you
>>>> one thing though.  If Apple keeps down this avenue, they won't have a
>>>> customer any longer.  I've considered going back to Windows, and
>>>> ditching Apple completely if they continue this line of non commited
>>>> obviousness.  Believe what you will, but I'm seeing no sign of
>>>> improvement.  O yeah, they're good at fixing things, I'll give that to
>>>> you, but only it seems lately when we kick them in the ass and tell them
>>>> to get on it.  Even then, they don't usually do it until they feel good
>>>> and ready to.
>>>> So, how are all of you guys getting gift cards for today if you are
>>>> doing so?
>>> -- 
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