I'm not gonna rant and rave like I have done before, I promise. Just read
what I have to say. I'm gonna keep this real short and sweet. I haven't
written Apple Accessibility quite yet about this, however, if any more of
you are experiencing this as well, let me know, as I'd be happy to write
Accessibility on our behalfs although I'd encourage all you do the same, if
you find this bug.
A lotta you may remember the bug that we had with the app store on an IPad
with I O S. Remember how after scrolling down the screen with Voiceover so
far, it would quit scrolling? Well, I think we're having a very similar
issue now on the Mac in the ITunes store. Let me be a little more specific.
Again, I'm gonna keep this as brief as I possibly can, unlike I normally do,
but at least let me explain.
OK, let's say that I go to the store menu up in the menu bar, then I go to
view my account: whate...@whatever.com
OK, so I put in my password for security reasons, and go to the ok button,
or just hit return. Either/or. Usually just hit return. OK, now on the
next page which loads, I find that I only can scroll so far down. Voiceover
definitely! reads the entire html content area, all the way to the tip
notch bottom, but it seems like Voiceover is reading, but not correctly
tracking, even though the actual focus is set to follow the Voiceover
cursor. And yes, I do have cursor tracking enable, so that's not really a
problem. A practical example is: on this page, if I go down to where it has
the manage link to manage my subscriptions. If I vo+space on that manage
link, it wont' click. I've also tried routing the mous, and hitting
command+Vo+F5, then vo+shift+space. About the only two things I've honestly
not yet tried is command+Vo+F5 which really shouldn't be necessary anyhow
seeing I have it set to have the mouse cursor follow the Voiceover cursor,
but just to be on the safe side... yeah... Then clicking my actual
macbook's trackpad. I've not tried that nor have I tried doing this with
trackpad commander, flicking down there then double tapping the track pad.
I almost wonder if I turned on TP commander, then once at a certain point, 3
finger flicked up, if that would scroll things. The question's just where
the heck would I navigate to, before doing that? I'm not even totally
convinced that would work. It might though.
This basically also makes it imposible for me to click on the see all link,
to be able to look at my purchase history. I dono if the other store pages
are also this way, but I'd suspect they probably would be. It's almost like
voiceover's tracking, and scrolling but the page itself visually isn't, thus
causing me to not correctly be able to click things. Even though vo+F3, and
vo+F5 tell me the correct things under the cursors, and even though they
both always match each other being they're both tracking each other, I'm
still not getting anywhere when I try activating the links. The item
chooser, or web rotor isn't really helping either. I even tried just
tabbing through then hitting return on the links, but that did some very
undesirable things. It seems to be activating links I didn't tell it to
activate... usually the link right before the one I want. Although that's
inconsistent, as sometimes if I then say ok, add a link to it, and I go one
link past! the one I need with tab, then hit return, it sometimes then
activates the wrong link as well. It's so intermittant that I can't really
tell you the exact behavior. I just wonder if this is something you all
also in Mountain Lion are experiencing with ITunes 11. If so, let me know
and I'll go ahead at that point and shoot off an e-mail to Accessibility.
They fixed the IPad bug pretty quickly, so I have no reason to believe this
also couldn't be taken care of fairly soon. I almost wonder if Apple's even
aware of it.
Take care.
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