First, I think you meant to say refresh with cmd-r, not cmd-f5. <smile> Second, 
I saw a Safari update when I got on the mac today (I had been on windows for a 
few days). Does this most recent Safari update not fix things? I doubt it will, 
but you never know.
On Nov 4, 2012, at 10:27 PM, Harry Hogue <> wrote:

> Hello, guys,
> I know I, and others, and been having issues reading .xml files from 
> Bookshare in Safari.  Sometimes, these files will load as blank within 
> Safari.  I decided to load the .xml file in my Internet Explorer on the 
> Windows side of my computer, and it brought up an error that said it could 
> not load properly.  I said to try and find a solution and report the problem 
> to Microsoft, and that fixed the problem.
> So I went back to the Mac side and Safari, still totally lost.  The file 
> loaded as blank.  I went to the develop menu and emptied the cash, just in 
> case that could make a difference.  It didn't.  Then I say the option to 
> "Disable local file restriction" which was not checked.  I checked this box, 
> and refreshed the page with cmd-F5, and the book loaded without problems.  I 
> am really happy about this, since I can now read my book in Spanish that I 
> have been trying to for some time.
> I hope this is helpful to some others who may have experienced something 
> similar.  Please note that the "Develop" menu is not enabled by default, and 
> do not think, but it escapes me at the moment how to enable it.
> Thanks,
> Harry
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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