Hi guys. 
I'm not sure if I need to contact the web site host or what here, so I thought 
I would run it past you guys first to see if I'm doing something wrong or if I 
need another command I'm not using or don't know or something. 

I have several files that I would like to download from the Braille Authority 
of North America web site. I figure I'm going to need to study UEB, just great. 
Just what I need, another useless project for me. Anyway, every time I go to 
the web site to download informational files, the link gets activated it Safari 
opens the file, but I want to download the file and not open it in Safari. I 
used to inWindows use the Application key which most of the time downloaded the 
file. Did they set up the web site wrong and I need to contact them or what 
other command can I use so that I can save the files and send them to my 
braille display as a brf file. The other thing is that Safari won't let me save 
the file as a brf file. I changed the name and changed the extension, but 
unfortunately, I can't get a good brf file this way. Sorry for the length of 
this post. 

Eugenia Firth

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