Hi Guys. 
I have a number of files, about 64 of them, that I wish to braille translate. 
They are all in one fobbder. I have Louis on my Mac, and as best I can figure, 
there is no way to tell the program to qoanslate the whole folder and name the 
files in another one with the extension brl on the end. As far as I can see, 
you have to type in each file name. To do this more efficiently, I need to make 
a directory listing, preferably into a file that I could open in TextEdit or 
Pages. This way, I can keep up with which files I've done already. How do I get 
a directory listing on this folder into a file? Failing that, how do I just get 
the folder's directory so that I can copy each file by hand first if necessary. 
I realize I could just go down the listing and copy the names on a brailler if 
necessary. I don't want to do that unless I have to. Have any ideas guys? 

Sent from my iPhone

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