I am almost totally blind, and have had to have a cast put on my hand. 
Therefore for the next month I won't be able to type well. I am looking for a 
program for my mac that will do dictation, launch different programs et cetera. 
Someone suggested Dragon naturally speaking. Does anyone know how this program 
works with VoiceOver? Does anyone know if there's another dictation program 
that would work better with VoiceOver? Please help if you can. I can't do my 
job very long without be able being able to communicate on the computer I am 
dictating this message with Siri. So email work fine on my phone. But it's the 
rest of my Computer work that I will have trouble with. Thanks in advance.

Nancy Badger, Ph.D
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Services
UT Chattanooga
Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse spelling errors.

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