oh don't get me wrong there are points to using such a plugin i just never 
found the need for it. 
  Your Friend in the music industry 

On Sep 17, 2012, at 2:47 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Chris, Timothy, Steve, Teresa, and Others,
> Steve is correct that there are reasons for wanting to block flash --
> if only because you want to control how your resources are used, and
> that your memory is not taken up playing flash-based advertisements
> when you load web pages.  In other instances, when video content is
> available both as flash and HTML5, blocking flash and forcing the
> loading of HTML5 versions can give you accessible player controls.
> This was the way we used to get sound samples to play on the
> Audible.com before they transitioned to HTML5. The original idea
> behind the click-to-flash plug-in was that it simply blocked the
> automatic loading of flash content and gave you control of what was
> loaded. (Teresa explained some of this in her post).  There was a
> later click-to Safari extension that expanded the functionality, and
> then there was further development of the click-to plug-in.  You
> probably only want to load one of these.  So the answer is that this
> should give you improved accessibility (access to player controls in
> some situations where you wouldn't otherwise have this), and also more
> control over your Safari resources use, as well as preventing unwanted
> flash loading.
> The current information for both the ClickToPlugin and the
> ClickToFlash Safari extensions may be found here:
> http://hoyois.github.com/safariextensions/clicktoplugin/
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Sep 16, 7:32 pm, Steve Holmes <steve.holme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I could imagine many reasons to block flash from pages.  Just like java and 
>> javascript.  These things execute code from other people's websites on your 
>> computer.  I would only want to allow such scripting engines to run code 
>> from known and trusted websites.  There is a Firefox plug-in called noscript 
>> that allows you to allow javascript to run from only those sites you permit. 
>>  Things are much more secure that way.  I believe most of the computer 
>> hackery of late comes from mal where using the java runtime on your computer 
>> and also flash.  Look at how many security updates had to be made to flash 
>> over the years.  Frankly, between the security holes and accessibility 
>> problems with flash, that parasite should be removed from all our computers! 
>> They already gave up on mobile devices so let's get it out of our computers 
>> too; I'm all for that.
>> On Sep 16, 2012, at 5:57 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Same here.  I have to agree with Tommothy, but then, that's me.
>>> Chris.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Timothy Clark Music
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2012 12:08 PM
>>> Subject: Re: using click to flash
>>> i just never had luck with it.
>>>  it seams kind of pointless for me at least.
>>>  i never got the point why you would want to block flash.
>>> Timothy
>>>   Your Friend in the music industry
>>>  http://www.timothyclarkmusic.tumblr.com
>>> On Sep 16, 2012, at 11:46 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>>> Hi, Chris,
>>>> It's very configurable. You can set it to allow flash on a page or domain. 
>>>> Also, flash can be resource-hungry, so there are times you may not want it 
>>>> to run.
>>>> HtH,
>>>> Teresa
>>>> On Sep 16, 2012, at 5:59 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>>> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Yeah... I dono...  I... hmm...  I suppose this could be cool, but 
>>>>> honestly, why would you want something that blocks you from certain 
>>>>> content?  That seems a bit narling.  What if you do want to access flash 
>>>>> content that you know will be accessible, yet, the thing blocks it.  
>>>>> Then, you're screwed, I'd presume?
>>>>> Chris.
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Teresa Cochran" 
>>>>> <vegaspipistre...@gmail.com>
>>>>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>>> Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2012 4:59 AM
>>>>> Subject: Re: using click to flash
>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>> Click-toFlash will block most flash content except the players it 
>>>>> recognizes. If it doesn't support content, a placeholder will appear with 
>>>>> the word "flash". You can do a Vo-mouse-click, shift-VO-space on it, or 
>>>>> you can press control-command-w to allow the content. The extension has a 
>>>>> lot of preferences, which you can access from the Safari extensions area 
>>>>> of Safari preferences, or by pressing option-comma from any webpage.
>>>>> There are a lot of players that are supported. You can use BBC, Youtube, 
>>>>> Audible, and many others. With the supported players, a group of items 
>>>>> called "video element controller" will appear. These buttons are 
>>>>> accessible. This extension is especially useful on blogs with embedded 
>>>>> players.
>>>>> I'd suggest updating to Click-to-plugin, as it supports more players than 
>>>>> click-to-flash.
>>>>> HtH,
>>>>> Teresa
>>>>> On Sep 15, 2012, at 9:28 PM, Chris Bruinenberg <cbrui...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> How do i use click to flash?
>>>>>> I just have installed it.
>>>>>> Thanks. and sorry for the silly question.
>>>>>> Sent from my Macbook Pro.
>>>>>> Chris Bruinenberg
>>>>>> cbrui...@gmail.com
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