No Webvisum does not work on the mac unless you are running a nightly build of Firefox.

Sent from my Windows laptop.

On 11/09/2012 19:53, Scott Davert wrote:
Also, does Web Visum work on the Mac? If not, well, this is a solution
for Apple users. Which, as it dstands, to my knowledge, none other
than this exists.


On 9/11/12, Buddy Brannan <> wrote:
Hi Earle,

TANSTAAFL, my friend. That's "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

While Webvisum is free (as in beer), at least, no cost to you, the service
does cost to maintain. We're talking about server space and bandwidth, at
the very least, possibly development costs as well. Remember when it went
down for a few days not too long ago, because of a registration renewal
SNAFU? What if they couldn't afford to renew the domain name or the space
used to run it? They do take donations, too.

What about the ill-fated Solona? It died right along with Bernardo. It was a
one man show, for all intents and purposes, and done by him, alone, for
love, because he perceived a need.

What is it about blind people that we don't want to pay for things that
deserve to be paid for?
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Sep 11, 2012, at 12:20 PM, Earle <> wrote:

I understand the need to make money and the need to pay for server costs
etc.  I just don't think this is a realistic option for most people.
Webvisum iOS free and the nightly builds of fire fox work well enough with
voiceover to solve captious. I just don't see the point in paying for
something that can already be done for free using existing methods.



Skype, Twitter, Facebook, and Yahoo:  rowdyamerican

Aim:  rowdyamerican28

On 2012-09-11, at 12:09 PM, Brandon Olivares <>


Yes. It is necessary, as we pay for the captchas to go to Amazon Turk,
and simply add enough for ourselves to continue to operate. Our
livelihood is the programs and services that I develop, so without
charging we could not do this.

On Sep 11, 2012, at 12:04 PM, Timothy Clark Music
<> wrote:

so essentially we pay for zcapsha?

   Your Friend in the music industry

On Sep 10, 2012, at 9:22 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:


As promised a few days ago, ZCaptcha has been released today.

It is only in beta, so please be patient with any errors, and please
also report them to me if you find any. I'll be adding more in the
coming days, including the ability to email your screenshot, but for
now it is working very well. The site itself is under serious
development as well.

The more active this is, the faster it will return, so forgive any
slowness in the beginning, please.

Here is the address:

You must first create an account, which only takes a minute, and put
money on the account.

This is the page to upload your screenshot:

I hope you enjoy and that you find this helpful.


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