I fricken hate ITunes as a player.  why?  Simple.  ITunes is too damn library 
dependent.  Let me explain.  When I add stuff to the ITuens Library, it puts 
files where it wants too; not where I want it too.  I don't want ITunes 
creating subfolders where I didn't ask for them.  I have a large number of 
untagged files which are just lose, and, they are exactly where I want them.  I 
can't add stuff to my ITunes library without having copies duplicated to that 
ITunes library; because, every single time I try to add files without allowing 
ITunes to copy them, ITunes crashes.  I just do not have space enough on my 
drive to have two copies of everything floating around everywhere.

What I want is this.

Give me a player which will allow me to open files from the regular browser 
window; in the app if necessary, and, allow me to cue up one file after the 
other instead of playing it immediately.  I keep saying this; but, no one seems 
to quite understand what I want.  
Cog is the player that comes the closest to what I want; but, it sometimes  
crashes, and, doesn't allow cross fading or overlapping.  VLC appears not to 
have those things either.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Sep 11, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Nic Parsons <mr.nicholas.pars...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not sure what software you're talking about. If you're referring to the 
> iTunes DJ, then it can be found in iTunes. If it's not listed in the sources 
> pannel, you can turn it on in the preferences for iTunes. But please not this 
> is perhaps not DJ software as you imagine. It basically just creates a never 
> ending play list to which iTunes continuly adds random tracks. You can add 
> tracks yourself, and you can allow anyone on your network to add tracks and 
> vote on existing ones with the iTuens DJ Party function. If you google for 
> iTunes DJ I'm sure you'll find a host of resources. I ddi.
> On Wednesday, September 12, 2012 2:08:24 AM UTC+10, Timothy Clark Music wrote:
> you can get it by downloading it off of torrents.  
>  also, it as far as i know yes needs iTunes. 
>  if you wish you can add me on Skype and i can send you DJ. 
>  it's got a key and everything. 
>  or you can go and get it like i said off of torrents. 
>  my Skype id is djtimothy1 
>  oh, i should point out that i do not enforce
>  the stilling of anyones antalectsual property. 
> Timothy 
>   Your Friend in the music industry 
>  http://www.timothyclarkmusic.tumblr.com
> On Sep 10, 2012, at 7:36 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Would anybody on here using the DJ software for the Mac fill me in a little 
>> on where to get and how to use it?  Is it dependent on the iTunes Library, 
>> or can it be used otherwise?
>> Thanks.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
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