Hi All, Recognizer Version 1.2 is out!

Here's the linkie and then the description.



Cara :)
LookTel Recognizer allows users with visual impairments or blindness to 
identify cans, packages, ID or credit cards, DVDs, and similar items. Users can 
store images of objects in a library or database, and then simply point the 
iPhone's camera at an object and the phone will recognize and describe the item 
instantly. A barcode scanner is also included to provide additional labeling 

LookTel Recognizer is powered by an evolution of LookTel's patented and 
proprietary object recognition technology featured in LookTel's "Money Reader", 
an app that has helped thousands of users with visual impairments or blindness 
to instantly identify and count bills. There's no need to hold the camera still 
or capture a photo and wait for a result – recognition happens instantly, and 
in real-time. Additionally, the app does not require an active internet 
connection, which means it can be used at any location, anytime. 

Recognizer allows users to backup and export their created databases via 
E-Mail, enabling them to restore a database from lost or replaced devices, 
share it with other members of the community. 

Please note that users with severe visual impairments or blindness will require 
sighted assistance to initially create the image library. The image library 
must be setup before LookTel Recognizer can be used to identify objects. 

How to use Recognizer: 
Once the app is downloaded on your iOS device, you must create an image library 
before you can start recognizing items. Creating the library is easy, and can 
be fun, especially if you have a friend or family member who is a shutterbug. 
While it may seem to take a lot of time, it takes far less than most people 
imagine to create an excellent library of images. Once the library exists, less 
and less time is required of a sighted person, as you will find Recognizer can 
already identify most items that are used daily reliably and accurately every 

What's New in this Version
German and Spanish localization 
Text input for item labels 
Improved light control 
Bug Fixes 

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