Hi Brian,

i'm very glad this worked for you! And you can set your timeline to refresh in 
intervals of whatever you want. Usually a minute seems to work well enough. If 
you want it to refresh more, then you can manually refresh all tabs by pressing 
Or just command+R to refresh the current tab.

On Aug 21, 2012, at 6:56 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks so much Rachel, just got it turned off. Will have to see if
> that gets rid of the busy messages. Only other question, if real time
> streaming is turned off how does your timeline refresh and do you need
> to hit a command like command R to refesh your timeline? Thanks again
> On Aug 21, 6:45 pm, Rachel Feinberg <walksi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Turn off real-time streaming in preferences, under the general button. It's 
>> a checkbox that says enable real-time streaming.
>> On Aug 21, 2012, at 12:58 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Has anyone ever figured out how to get the unbelievably annoying one
>>> row added to stop in this app? I hate that when I am looking at my
>>> timeline, and VO is reading a tweet to me it is constantly interrupted
>>> by the app saying one row added. In my opinion, it makes reading ones
>>> Timeline almost unsable as you have to keep trying to read the tweet
>>> you want to read. Any help with this would be great, as I do love
>>> Night Owl for sending out my tweets. Thanks
>>> On Aug 20, 3:22 pm, "Christopher-Mark gilland" <clgillan...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> When I launch YoruFukurou, each time I get new tweets in my timeline,
>>>> mentions, or for that mind, DM's, it keeps updating with a badge, for lack
>>>> of better term alert in my dock.  So, recently, when I looked down in my
>>>> dock, for example, it said, "YoruFukurou 200 something odd items."  This
>>>> isn't per, sey, an issue, but, I do wonder if I can turn it off where it
>>>> won't put the new item count with the icon in the dock.  maybe I'm just
>>>> weird, but I'd rather it not tell me that.
>>>> I looked in the preferences under notifications, and also under account
>>>> notifications, but I don't see any way to shut that off, unless it's
>>>> berried, and I'm missing something.  Obviously, there is nothing in the
>>>> notification center preferences either under system prefs.
>>>> I'm on version 2.76 of YoruFukurou, using mountain Lion, if that helps.
>>>> Chris.
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