First thing you'll need to do is use the cd or change directory command
to move to the folder where the files are. So if they were in a folder
called books on my desktop and my account name was cblouch then I would do
cd ~/cblouch/Desktop/books
and then run the script. At least I'm assuming you got some error about
"No such file or directory".
On 8/19/12 10:42 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
Hi, that doesn't seem t owork. I cpied and pasted exactly waht you wrote, bu t
then again I have never used Termianl before.
On Aug 19, 2012, at 8:26 PM, Chris Blouch <> wrote:
You should be able to use a basic shell loop like this:
for i in *.bks; do mv "$i" "${i/.bks}".zip; done
This will go through a directory of files, find all the ones that match
anything.bks and use the move command to change it from the current name to the
same name with .bks replaced by .zip.
On 8/19/12 5:54 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
Hi, everyone,
I have many .bks files via Bookshare that I would like to rename as .zip files.
Someone suggested doing this via Terminal, but I'm not sure how to go about
Also, when I try to associate the .bks files with The Unarchiver by right clicking and choosing,
"Open with…" then selecting "Other…" I check the box for "Always open this file
type using this application, but the option does not hold. Does anyone know why this might be? has
anyone else experienced this?
Thanks for any help, guys.
Take care,
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