Chromevox is a screen reader built into Chrome so it has its own
keyboard commands and such but only works within that app. Sound weise,
at least on the Mac, it uses the same text to speech engine provided by
OSX so it sounds much like voiceover. From what I've heard Chromevox
knows a little more of the class names and such used in the HTML and CSS
of Google Docs and uses that to work better interacting with that app.
Downside is that you would have to constantly turn VO on and off every
time you want to do something outside of Chrome. For that reason I never
used it much because it was too cumbersome.
On 8/18/12 7:44 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:
Hello everyone,
What exactly is Chromevox and what does it do thad VO doesn't?
On 8/17/12, Teresa Cochran <> wrote:
One reason I rarely use Chrome with Chromevox is that it's not compatible
with Braille. Otherwise, it's kind of fun to use.
On Aug 15, 2012, at 2:08 PM, Alex Hall <> wrote:
Hi all,
Ever since getting the mac, I was told Chrome would serve me better; it
was faster, easier, and vo would not be "busy" as much. Now, though, I
have decided to make Safari my default browser, and here's why.
* Reader: the reader feature is amazing. I opened an article from twitter
and was faced with a bunch of social network links and other junk I didn't
want to read before I could find the article text. I remembered Reader,
and thought I'd try it. I pressed cmd-shift-r and... wow! The article's
title was a level one heading, and right below that was the article text.
This will save a lot of time in the future.
*Text Selection: I don't need it much, but now that we can select text in
Safari and not in other web browsers, I like knowing I have the option; in
Chrome, this would be impossible, or nearly so
* Speed: I don't find Safari any slower than Chrome, and neither browser
gives me busy messages.
* Downloads: I haven't tried it, but I hear there's a keystroke to show
download progress. I like this, as I had nothing but problems downloading
more than one file in Chrome, even if the files were downloaded separately
and not simultaneously.
* The address bar: in Chrome, cmd-l brings me to a field in which I can
type a url or a search term. That would be fine if it didn't also load a
page on whose content vo focuses, thereby causing me to have to find the
address bar all over again. In Safari, nothing of the kind happens; cmd-l
jumps me to a (properly labeled and hinted) edit field and leaves me
That's all I have for now. If anyone has questions, let me know. If anyone
is using Chrome, I suggest you take another look at Safari, especially the
latest version (version 6 I believe).
Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);
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