i wanted to know how do you  burn  a movie from your itunes library? i 
purchased it on  itunes and i want to burn it into a  cd. 
thanks so much for your help i  greatly appreciate it.
sincerely, chenelle
Sent from my iPhone

On 13/08/2012, at 17:36, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries/topics
> multiple messages from macvisionaries group [3 Updates]
> Having Mail not automatically mark a message as read when I move to it [1 
> Update]
> converting iphone video to...anything? [1 Update]
> Question About Built-In MBP Keyboard [1 Update]
> Dropbox under Lion [2 Updates]
> Using Boot Camp [3 Updates]
> iWork Help [8 Updates]
> sort of figured out GarageBand [4 Updates]
> question about recording with mac [2 Updates]
>  multiple messages from macvisionaries group
> Andrew Lamanche <andrew.laman...@gmail.com> Aug 13 10:03PM +0100  
> Hello Everyone,
> I've already asked before about the problem of receiving multiple copies of 
> messages from macvisionaries group. Harry has offered me suggestions to do 
> with labels in gmail (which is the mail provider for me) but they haven't 
> sold the problem. I vaguely seem to remember that I had the same issue under 
> Lion but I can't remember how I had solved it then. I seem to receive two 
> copies of each message in my inbox. Please help if you have any ideas.
> With best wishes and thanks
> Andrew
> Ioana Gandrabur <igandra...@gmail.com> Aug 13 05:05PM -0400  
> Hi,
> It would be interesting to check what settings do using Gmail. I also use 
> labels in Gmail and never received any duplicates of the messages in my 
> inbox. Good luck
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> Andrew Lamanche <andrew.laman...@gmail.com> Aug 13 10:31PM +0100  
> Hello Iona,
> I am so puzzled about this because since upgrading to Mountain Lion, I get 
> these duplicate messages in macvisionaries group as well as the iPhone group. 
> This did not happen before the upgrade. I did not think labels would be a 
> problem but I have removed them anyway in case, especially that Harry 
> suggested it and it had a positive effect for him. I have been looking for a 
> clue in my gmail setting but I haven't found anything so far. 
> Best wishes
> Andrew
>  Having Mail not automatically mark a message as read when I move to it
> Ioana Gandrabur <igandra...@gmail.com> Aug 13 05:03PM -0400  
> Hi
> Just a quick note to say that you can hide the preview pane also by using 
> keyboard shortcuts. There have been posts to that effect on the list also. If 
> anybody wants me to write steps just let me know.
> Take care,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
>  converting iphone video to...anything?
> Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> Aug 13 04:56PM -0400  
> Hi folks,
> forgive me if I do not ask this with the correct lingo.
> Today would have been my late father's 85th birthday. he passed last year 
> and we ere very close.
> My niece just sent me some video she shot with her iphone of my 
> dad...obviously I would appreciate a chance to enjoy. I have no iphone 
> though, and my mac is still doing os 9.22...not that I want to watch it so 
> much.
> My desire is to convert the file into something else, mp4 mp3 aif, 
> anything.
> how can this be done?
> Thanks in advance,
> Karen
>  Question About Built-In MBP Keyboard
> Chris Blouch <cblo...@aol.com> Aug 13 04:44PM -0400  
> That feature was dropped from MacBooks some time ago but I'm guessing 
> you could reproduce that with a keyboard remapper. Other sites recommended
> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/index.html
> but I've never used it.
> CB
> On 8/9/12 5:10 PM, Gavin Grundlingh wrote:
>  Dropbox under Lion
> Chris <christopher...@gmail.com> Aug 13 08:28PM +0100  
> Hello all.
> Under Lion, is the Dropbox client accessible? I have heard it is in 
> Mountain Lion, but what about just Lion? I must stress Lion as this 
> question is for Mr Price who will be shortly receiving a 13 inch Macbook 
> 2008 model running Lion and therefore cannot be upgraded to Mountain Lion.
> Please reply as soon as possible. Thanks!
> Rodney Haynie <rodney.hay...@gmail.com> Aug 13 03:39PM -0400  
> Chris,
> No, the client is not accessible as far as I know, under Lion. The way
> I used it was through Finder. Open the ffolder directly, copy and
> paste files and such, and VO Shift M on a file will give you good
> options as well once the file is in the Dropbox folder.
> HTH.
> -Rodney
>  Using Boot Camp
> "Paul Hunt" <prhu...@att.net> Aug 13 02:10PM -0500  
> Hello Alex. So if I have my Bootcamp partition booted I can navigate to say
> my hd partition and read the file or copy it. I just can't write to it from
> the Bootcamp partition or do anything with folders except copy them to the
> Bootcamp? Are my assumptions correct?
> Thanks so much.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 11:53 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Using Boot Camp
> Wait, yes you can. I was working with garageband the other day and needed an
> mp3 stored on my windows partition, so I opened up the folder and copied the
> file with no problems over to the mac's partition. I then copied the
> finished mp3 from the mac partition to the windows one while I was booted
> into windows, again with no trouble. No, you can't copy *to* a partition not
> in use, but you can copy from one to your active partition just fine.
> > macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group at
> > http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Alex Hall <mehg...@gmail.com> Aug 13 03:19PM -0400  
> Yes. Basically, if what you want to do on the non-booted drive is
> read-only, you're all set. If there's any writing (including erasing
> data), it will not happen. The disadvantage, of course, is that you
> can't have both running at once. I find myself wanting windows only
> for games, so I'd like a vm as I don't need a lot of resources to run
> audio games, and everything else I do I'd rather do on the mac (wow, I
> never thought I'd say that!). I am getting annoyed with shutting down
> one and booting into the other just to blow away some zombies every so
> often.
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> "Paul Hunt" <prhu...@att.net> Aug 13 02:34PM -0500  
> I understand. I do most of my personal stuff on the Mac but for professional
> reasons I use Windows and particularly Microsoft Office. I also have a Perl
> camera and Open Book. Windows in VMFusion just doesn't cut it for Open Book.
> So it's not so bad. I can copy files and I can always use Drop Box.
> Thanks so much for your help.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 2:20 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Using Boot Camp
> Yes. Basically, if what you want to do on the non-booted drive is read-only,
> you're all set. If there's any writing (including erasing data), it will not
> happen. The disadvantage, of course, is that you can't have both running at
> once. I find myself wanting windows only for games, so I'd like a vm as I
> don't need a lot of resources to run audio games, and everything else I do
> I'd rather do on the mac (wow, I never thought I'd say that!). I am getting
> annoyed with shutting down one and booting into the other just to blow away
> some zombies every so often.
> > macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group at
> > http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>  iWork Help
> Gavin Grundlingh <g.batw...@gmail.com> Aug 13 07:43PM +0200  
> Hi all,
> I'm having a bit of a problem with my iWork apps that I'm hoping I can solve 
> without having to spend extra cash. This morning, I did a clean install of 
> Mountain Lion. I didn't buy my iWork apps from the Mac app store because I 
> already have the complete iWork installer. The problem with this is that, 
> because the apps aren't associated with my Apple ID, Software Update doesn't 
> appear to recognize that I have the apps installed, and I'd like to get the 
> latest versions of them. So my question is, will I be able to update my iWork 
> apps without having to actually buy them from the app store again? I want to 
> be able to take advantage of all the new and improved features.
> Regards,
> Gavin Grundlingh
> Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
> Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
> Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
> Email: g.batw...@gmail.com
> Secondary Email: customtra...@live.co.za
> Skype: Batworx
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/batworx
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/baworx
> Rodney Haynie <rodney.hay...@gmail.com> Aug 13 02:01PM -0400  
> Did you try to sign out of the current Apple ID, and sign in with the same 
> Apple ID you used when purchasing the apps/updates the first time around on 
> your old install?
> In the App Store, you can go to the Store menu, click on Sign out.
> Then go back to the same menu and you will now have a Sign In menu option. 
> Select it, and a dialog will come up allowing you to enter a different Apple 
> ID.
> Hope that helps.
> -Rodney
> Gavin Grundlingh <g.batw...@gmail.com> Aug 13 08:05PM +0200  
> Hi Rodney,
> I haven't been able to update the apps at all, because, as I say, they aren't 
> at all associated with my Apple ID. I'm still on Pages 4.0, Keynote 5.0 and 
> Numbers 2.0.
> Chris Blouch <cblo...@aol.com> Aug 13 02:30PM -0400  
> Those should get updated through doing Software Update under the Apple 
> menu. If they ever get a new version out that you care to purchase 
> through the App store then updates will fall from that umbrella. Either 
> way you should be covered.
> CB
> On 8/13/12 2:05 PM, Gavin Grundlingh wrote:
> Rodney Haynie <rodney.hay...@gmail.com> Aug 13 02:41PM -0400  
> So sorry, I misunderstood. I don't have much else to offer, but
> results from a bit of research...
> Ok, Chris just answered, but since I wrote this up, I'll post anyway? :)
> I found a post that said...
> "Updates for the iWork apps installed from the retail disk or licensed
> from the trial will come through Software Update, not the Mac App
> Store."
> https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4020638?start=0&tstart=0
> You said you were running Mountain Lion right?
> I wonder since they merged the Software Updates and the Mac App Store,
> is this why you are having this problem?
> I don't have iWork since I am holding my breath for a new version,
> that could be more accessible. Have to admit though, I am starting to
> turn blue. ;)
> Good luck.
> -Rodney
> Gavin Grundlingh <g.batw...@gmail.com> Aug 13 09:07PM +0200  
> I really hope that the mirging of Software Update and the app store isn't the 
> sole cause of the problem. Thanks for the info, Rodney. I'm going to try 
> running Software Update again now and see what happens.
> OK, still no luck. Under the software updates section, all I have are 12 
> updates to installed premium voices, and an update to iMovie. I'm stumped.
> Regards,
> Gavin Grundlingh
> Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
> Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
> Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
> Email: g.batw...@gmail.com
> Secondary Email: customtra...@live.co.za
> Skype: Batworx
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/batworx
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/batworx
> Chris Blouch <cblo...@aol.com> Aug 13 03:24PM -0400  
> What specific version do you have? Maybe they are already updated? I 
> would do all your existing updates to make sure it's not rolled into one 
> of them.
> CB
> On 8/13/12 3:07 PM, Gavin Grundlingh wrote:
> Gavin Grundlingh <g.batw...@gmail.com> Aug 13 09:28PM +0200  
> I have Pages 4.0, Numbers 2.0 and Keynote 5.0. The updated versions are 
> supposed to be 4.2, 2.2 and 5.2, respectively.
> Regards,
> Gavin Grundlingh
> Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
> Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
> Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
> Email: g.batw...@gmail.com
> Secondary Email: customtra...@live.co.za
> Skype: Batworx
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/batworx
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/batworx
>  sort of figured out GarageBand
> Chris Blouch <cblo...@aol.com> Aug 13 01:27PM -0400  
> The only way I could find to do this was by adding the AUPitch filter to 
> the track. When editing the filter there are four unlabeled inputs. The 
> first (initially zero) is the amount of pitch to shift. 100 is a full 
> note up. Give that a try.
> CB
> On 8/9/12 11:27 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Alex Hall <mehg...@gmail.com> Aug 13 01:30PM -0400  
> How do you add that, or any, filter to a track?
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> Chris Blouch <cblo...@aol.com> Aug 13 02:55PM -0400  
> So first you need to select the track you want to add the filter to and 
> then do Command-I for track info. That hides or shows the track info but 
> won't move your focus there. You'll have to stop interacting with the 
> Arrange Layout area and move to the Track Info Group. Your Real 
> Instrument button should be pressed (as opposed to Master Track. Then 
> navigate down to the Browse/Edit radio buttons. Select Edit. Navigate 
> right from there and you'll find the effects for this track (if any). 
> Typical ones are Noise Gate and Compressor. These are each loaded into 
> "slots" making an output chain where the effects are applied in the 
> order listed. An empty slot is listed as Select Effect Popup Button. 
> Actioning this will give you a list of effect to load into the slot. 
> These are arranged in two groups - Garage Band Effects and Audio Unit 
> Effects, listed in alphabetical order. Arrow down past all the Garage 
> Band Effects and about 15 down in the Audio Unit effects will be the AU 
> Pitch effect. You can also get there more quickly bu typing A U P which 
> will drop you just a few items above it. Select that and it's now 
> inserted into the slot.
> Once the filter is inserted garage band will drop your focus on the next 
> slot so to edit the effect you'll need to VO up once to get to the 
> AUPitch Group. Interact with that and find the Edit button. Actioning 
> that pops a new floating window. VO-right a couple times until you are 
> past the "action image" and you should land on an edit field which reads 
> "0 contents selected edit text". This is where you type in the amount of 
> pitch shift you want (initially zero). If the track is playing you will 
> hear the change as soon as you hit return. The floating window is a bit 
> problematic in that it doesn't follow the usual command-tilde rules so 
> once I lose focus I have to go back to the edit button to get back to 
> it. Likewise I have to close the popup to make the space start playback 
> again but with a little fussing it's doable.
> Hope this helps.
> CB
> On 8/13/12 1:30 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Alex Hall <mehg...@gmail.com> Aug 13 03:28PM -0400  
> Makes sense, thanks. What did you say the change was? I assumed
> there'd be a slider and a way to select the old and new keys for the
> song, as in something to tell it how many half steps to shift and in
> what direction. What is one half step in numbers to GB?
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> mehg...@gmail.com
>  question about recording with mac
> Chris Blouch <cblo...@aol.com> Aug 13 01:33PM -0400  
> Could be any number of things. Is your guitar/amp coming through in 
> general? If you make an audio recording in quicktime does that work? 
> Just want to make sure the physical chain is working first. If not, 
> double check that the audio input selected is 'line-in' not 
> built-in-mic. Also, as the name implies, this is expecting a line level 
> input, not a mic level. So if your amp is outputting something 
> pretending to be an XLM mic to intended for a mixer preamp, that's going 
> to be too weak. You'll need a preamp or maybe choose a different output 
> from your amp. Likewise, don't be pumping 100 watts of speaker output to 
> your Mac's line input :)
> CB
> On 8/9/12 10:44 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Alex Hall <mehg...@gmail.com> Aug 13 03:25PM -0400  
> The chain is fine. The guitar goes into a little practice amp with no
> overdrive. From there a patch cable is connected to the amp (through a
> 1/2 to 1/4 inch adapter) and goes into the mac's line in port. When I
> turn on monitoring I can hear the sounds fine. As I said in a later
> email, I have no clue what I did but it all works now. I just hope
> whatever I did doen't get undone as I'll not know where to even start
> looking to fix it again. :)
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Group 
> macvisionaries.
> You can post via email.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an empty message.
> For more options, visit this group.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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