I find webspots to be extremely valuable for pages that you go to a
lot. I have set up numerous webspots to jump to certain areas of text
and links within pages. You can also set a sweet spot that is supposed
to enter you in to that page at the point that you set the sweet spot.
Of course sweet spots don't always work. And for some reason pages
that are not the best designed like Espn.com always are forgetting my
webspots. I think pages that change there layout quite often forget
your webspots but they are very easy to set and remove I think it is
VO Command right bracket to set a webspot and VO command shift right
bracket to remove one. Clicking VO command right brackt twice in a row
will set the sweet spot. Now the problem with Mountain Lion and I have
already pointed this out to Apple and they are working on it if you
have a lot of web spots set up on a page they reversed the way you
navigate through them which makes no sense as clicking VO command
right bracket takes you to the next web spot to the left and clicking
VO command left bracket takes you to the next web spot to the right.
Not sure how they couldn't have realized this when betaing ML, as I
consider web spots one of the most valuable tools to get work done
quickly in safari.

On Aug 2, 9:16 am, Alex Hall <mehg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can someone explain webspots and hotspots? What's the difference, when would 
> one use either or both, and why use them at all? I looked at the online help 
> manual but couldn't find anything about them in the web navigation item. Oh, 
> I almost forgot: what is an auto webspot? Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com;http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap

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