
I have mail set to standard view and conversation view on. I then went to the 
View section of preferences for mail and made sure that the setting "Show most 
recent message at the top" is not checked. In here I also have the list preview 
set to 5 lines and show related messages unchecked.  I also have my favourite 
mail boxes in the favourites bar. Your Inbox will be already in here by 

Now you can arrow up and down you messages list and VO will read out the first 
bit of any message. If the message is a conversation with multiple messages, vo 
will automatically read out the first few lines of the oldest unread message in 
the conversation and report how many messages are in the conversation. If you 
now want to read more of the conversation then just press the Tab key once. You 
can then arrow left and right to hear all the messages in the conversation. You 
can also use the tab key on a message which has only 1 message to read more 
that what the preview reads out automatically. If you have "show related 
messages" checked which is the default, when you arrow back in a conversation 
which you have tabbed into, then you will be able to access messages which are 
part of the same conversation but have already been deleted. This was confusing 
at first for me but now I actually like it ..

Now to get back into the list of messages you will often need to shift tab 
twice however I find that sometimes I only need to do this once. I'm not sure 
what the difference is. 

I have also setup a mail activity which has low verbosity and some additional 
verbosity reductions in the advanced verbosity settings, This is just cut down 
on the VO chatter a bit.

Hope this wasn't all too confusing and helps a bit.


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On 06/08/2012, at 5:36 PM, Johnny Angel! <beefca...@neo.rr.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was using mail in classic view and seeing my list of messages one message 
> at a time only in order of date.  Consequently, conversations were quite 
> broken up and if I had no intrest in a particular subjet, I had to wait to 
> get to the next like message before I could delete it.  This method proved to 
> be teedious at best and slow to clean up my inbox.  So I would like to try to 
> view mail in a simular fashon like I do with my I-phone mail with 
> conversations.  However, unlike my I-phone, I would like to be able to view 
> messages by conversation with the oldest message first so as to be able to 
> follow the conversations logically.
> Ayway, I need someone to please walk me through the setup in mail 
> preferences, and then please tell me what the keyboard commands are for 
> reading messages in my preferred manner.
> Thanks so much in advance,
> Johnny
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> I am born of The forty-second generation
> A new, powerful race, never seen before.
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> Johnny "Angel" Chilelli
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