> Fedora Outlier LLC Update
> Apple Accessibility Consulting, Teaching and Support.
> Its not just the standard, its the foundation.
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> In this issue:
> FI/T x G= Unstoppable Momentum
> From The Blog
> Firm Update
> Call To Action
> Empowerment Quote
> -------
> FI/T x G= Unstoppable Momentum
> The FI/T x G = Unstoppable Momentum is actually a formula. It stands for 
> Focus Intensity Over Time Multiplied By GOD Equals Unstoppable Momentum. This 
> formula is whats needed for any measure of long term success. Most people can 
> focus for 20 minutes, others for 2 years but those who can focus on winning 
> in business and in life for a decade or more will be great.
> I mention this because Fedora Outlier LLC is focused on a goal to change 
> lives and it's going to take this formula to win long after I'm gone. I want 
> it to be in our firms DNA. In order to meet and exceed this goal we need to 
> apply this formula with every objective we have.
> So far we have manage to touch many life's in our services to our community 
> and we will empower more and more as the time moves on. One of our stated 
> objectives is to employ the blind and disabled and have them realize an 
> income that is exceedingly greater than social insecurity.
> We can't do this alone. We need help along the way. See below how you can 
> partner with us on this mission. Even if I'm half right in the call to action 
> below we, together will still win in the end!
> -------
> From The Blog
> Insomnia? Have An Apple, Or Two!
> Have you had a night, or maybe many nights, where either you couldn’t fall 
> asleep, or had no trouble doing so but then woke up in the middle of the 
> night, wide awake and ready to party?  
> Read the Insomnia? Have An Apple, Or Two!- Full Article
> -------
> Firm Update
> As stated above we believe that our mission to change life's through 
> technology is very important to us and the goals we've set. In the last month 
> we were able to bring 3 additional people to our team who will be working 
> remotely in strategic positions and help us carry out the firms objectives. 
> In the next update you will hear more about them and the projects they are 
> working on. 
> I am proud to announce that the ink has just dried on the contract with the 
> state of Georgia for us to be able to provide services. This will give us the 
> ability to teach on Apple products and products related to Apple products. We 
> all know with the advent of accessibility in all of Apples' devices this will 
> give us a wide scope of resources to tap into and will provide us with the 
> income needed to serve many more in both a volunteer capacity as well as for 
> profit.
> All in all we are ecstatic about our progress and we can't wait to face the 
> new challenges we are sure to encounter as we move to bridge the gap between 
> technology and employment for the blind and disabled. Look out for more 
> states to be added in the next few months.
> -------
> Call To Action
> We went from 0 to 80 newsletter subscribers in 30 days and we have you to 
> thank. If you were not one of the ones that did not participate in forwarding 
> the newsletter to a friend, following us on Twitter or by giving us a LIKE on 
> Facebook then we are not thanking you. Just joking, not really! LOL Together 
> we did an OK job, but we didn't reach our goal of 168 new newsletter 
> subscribers for the month.
> What can we do better this month to raise the number? Can we provide better 
> content? Can we give more or less info? Can we offer free stuff, promotions 
> or something else? Sure, we can do all of the above but we don't know what we 
> don't know and if you don't tell us then we will not know. Tell us what needs 
> to be better, changed or made more interesting.
> Just to restate the goal we are needing to reach 1000 subscribers to this 
> newsletter, Twitter, and Facebook by January 1, 2013, and we need your help. 
> By giving us feedback on how to improve on what we have now and by telling as 
> many people to subscribe, follow and like us as humanly possible.
> Here is what we will do. Forward this to people who can benefit and we'll 
> create a survey and ask you what can we do to drive more traffic to the web 
> properties. Look for it later this month in a special edition of this 
> newsletter. Until then lets see how much traffic we can drive. The more 
> people who know the further we can go!
> -------
> Empowerment Quotes
> The grass is not greener on the other side. The grass is greener where you 
> water it most! Are you watering things in your life that need to be greener, 
> need to be better and improved on?
>  follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend 
> "Delivering Access™" Newsletter Copyright © 2012 Fedora Outlier LLc All 
> rights reserved. 
> You are receiving this e-mail because you opted into the Delivering Access 
> monthly newsletter. 
> Our mailing address is: 
> Fedora Outlier LLC.
> 349 Decatur St. SE.
> #2202
> Atlanta, Ga 30312
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