Hello Lisette,
That's also a good qquestion and yes, I could hear the signals when I was 
changing the volume bbut this gives no solution.

A friend of my has also reported that voiceover could hang up in mounten lion 
and could e.g. killed in the terminal but for this, you need sighted assistance 
or a possibbility to login in to your mac witth ssh to see wich pit is 
In global; if there are situations here with voiceover that isn't responsive 
anymore , it would be nice to hear of.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad

Op 30-jul.-2012 om 10:01 heeft Lisette Wesseling <lisettewessel...@gmail.com> 
het volgende geschreven:

> Hi William
> I'm not trying to be funny, but have you tried turning up the volume on your 
> speakers? I know Apple devices can sometimes turn the volume down. It 
> happened on my iPhone a few times. Have you tried plugging in a head set to 
> see if the sound works there?
> You can all shoot me now, but it's worth asking.
> If you hear other Mac sounds, then that's not your problem and higher minds 
> than mine will need to step in.
> Lisette
> On 30/07/2012, at 6:41 PM, William Windels <william.wind...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Yesterday afternoon, I had a strange situation on my macbook air with 10.8 
>> installed.
>> Voiceover was doing strange and I decided to restart voiceover but this 
>> wouldn't work.
>> I have done a normal reboot but voiceover wouldn't work also.
>> Then, I decided to do a permission and disc repair from inside the recovery 
>> partition and all (normal) errors where repaired.
>> Then, after rebooting back in mountain lion, I had still no sound and no 
>> braille (connected with usb) 
>> My girlfriend sqaw that the voiceover-utility program was opened so, 
>> voiceover was active or not?
>> After some tries, without succes, I decided to restore my system with 
>> time-machine.
>> This seems a long work in progress since the restore should take about 35 
>> hours, (seems not normal I think).
>> Now, I was thinking to do a hardwaretest with (command)+d at startup but 
>> this should be without voiceover?
>> My questions are:
>> 1. Has it happend with others that voiceover wasn't reacting at all in 10.8 
>> with the latest macbook air (11 inch) and if so, what you have done?
>> 2. Could I have done or could I do more tests myself then : disc and 
>> permission repair?
>> 3. Could it be normal that a time-machine restore takes about 35 hours and 
>> if not, what could be possible problem(s)?
>> 4. A hardwaretest with command+d at startup could be a good option bu I 
>> supose I can't do it myself as blind macuser? are perhaps there are some 
>> workarounds?
>> I really hope someone can give some hints / ideas?
>> Thank you for the reactions and have a nice day!
>> Kind regards
>> William Windels
>> Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad
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