Wow, thanks so much for all your replies. It seems as I have to experiment some 
more with the normal Facebook page again.
I don't know what causes this weird language switching issue. It wouldn't make 
much sense if I recorded what happens, because the main page is in danish.
I have had some weird issues on my 15 inch Macbook pro in Safari, which other 
people who are using a Macbook pro 13 inch or an iMac never had experienced. I 
don't know if that goes for Facebook as well. On the normal Facebook page, 
Voiceover suddenly jumps randomly around, or Safari says busy all the time, 
which makes it difficult to navigate.
I'll try to clear up the cash in Safari to see if that helps, or simply try 
with Google Chrome. :)
thanks for explaining how to comment on the photo I'm tagged on. I'll try this.
I'll let you know if I figure out something regarding these issues I'm having.

Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den 03/07/2012 kl. 17.48 skrev Mark BurningHawk Baxter:

> Seren:
> I amusing Snow Leopard on an MBP15 circa 2008, with the latest 10.6.8 updates 
> including Safari.  I use the main site, not the mobile site, and while I 
> don't use a few of the features you want to use, like tagging people and so 
> on, I keep up with it fairly well.  It's quite possible that you are more 
> intense about your social networks, though, so if I can assist, I shall, but 
> don't get your hopes up. :)
> Here are a few tips that I use.  First, let me say that both the main and the 
> mobile site have a fairly rapid auto-refresh feature.  I have not yet figured 
> out a way to turn this off or even slow it down.  This means that a lot of 
> the navigation frustration you experience--being sent back to the top of the 
> page or to links you weren't near, etc., is going to persist.  The only 
> really good strategies for dealing with this are:
> • 1) Use the Items Chooser to get back to the last unique thing you remember 
> about where you were--a person's name, a word or phrase in a wall post, 
> something that wasn't too many VO presses away from your last known position. 
> and
> •2) My Vo/Safari set-up brings me back, after an auto-refresh, to the last 
> position where I actively did something on the page--left a comment, clicked 
> a photo, used an edit box, whatever.  That at least gives me a starting 
> point, and I can decide  the most efficient way back to where I want to be.
> In terms of general navigation, VO Command H, navigating by headiness, is 
> your BFF.  Each friend's post or new item in your timeline has its own 
> heading.  Interacting with lists of lots of items never hurts either, once 
> you've gotten to where you want to be via heading hopping.  (that's what I 
> call it. heading hopping...)
> I hope this little bit helps, and if you like, Skype me sometime and we can 
> go into more detail.  I admit, once again, that my approach to FB and even 
> Twitter is lukewarm, at best, but I believe there are ways of making it work.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> • My home page:
> • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
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