The organization of mail boxes and folders in Mail is an interesting
challenge indeed.  I while ago, I some how got some folders out of
wack and perhaps even into the wrong mail account.  Anyway, I thought
things to be a big enough mess that I just deleted the entire mail
folder under ~/library but that would be quite drastic for your
situation.  I also went through recently and reorganized my gmail
managed accounts and folders and it is all good now.  One thing you
might be able to do is cut/paste; I haven't tried this for sure but it
or drag and drop might be a thing to try.  The bigger question is how
the folder got moved in the first place.  I can't see why Mail would
just up and do something like that.  Also check the current status of
expand and collapse of folders between different nodes.  Also, I find
that while interacting within the mail box folders use the VO-up and
down arrow keys to traverse the list and listen carefully to the depth
level of each node; this will help you track where things actually
are.  For example, when enhancing the up and down movements with VO,
you will hear even the level 0 nodes but if you don't use VO prefix,
these will be skipped over.  This may sound long winded and
complicated but I don't know how else to describe it.


On 6/6/12, Buddy Brannan <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Wonder if anyone has any insight on this:
> My inbox expands to have several accounts under it that I read individually.
> Somehow, the order of these got rearranged, I'm not sure how. Now, the
> account I read most often (this one,as it happens) is at the bottom of the
> inbox tree view, but I want it further up. Does anyone know how to move the
> mailboxes in the mailbox list around?
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> --
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