Hi All,

I know that some of you like and use birdsong apps.  The iBird Explorer Pro app 
is currently on sale for $0.99 to celebrate iBird's 3-year anniversary.  This 
is their premier app that normally costs $29.99 (although they've recently 
reduced the price to $14.99 before this sale). It lists 924 birds of North 
America with an extensive repertoire of audio sound tracks and description of 
habits, habitat, phonetic rendition of characteristic calls, etc., and with 
professional extra features over the iBird Explorer Plus app, and is a 
universal binary.  The other apps on sale for $0.99 are the iBird United 
Kingdom & Ireland app (price dropped from $4.99) and the iBird Pro HD app 
(dropped from $9.99) that is specifically for the iPad.  This is a limited time 
sale. I'm cc'ing to the macvisionaries group, as well.  Here are the app store 
• iBird Explorer Pro
• iBird UK & Ireland
• iBird Pro HD (iPad only)

HTH.  Cheers,


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