Today's Topic Summary
How do I save a voice memo sent from my wife's iPhone? [1 Update]
how to save audio from youtube [2 Updates]
uninstalling [2 Updates]
Learning To Use Fission [3 Updates]
Mudding on the mac. [1 Update]
adobi flash player installer pop up, how do I do this? [6 Updates]
Switch, got it working [1 Update]
Launching a boot camp windows installation from mfusion [1 Update]
defining single key for vo keys? [2 Updates]
Dvd burning software mac [1 Update]
Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library. [1 Update]
Why can't someone just answer my Ical question without confusing me with a pod
cast? [2 Updates]
MenuTab [2 Updates]
How do I save a voice memo sent from my wife's iPhone?
Kevin Gibbs<> May 06 10:10AM -0700
If I save the file by the means you mentioned, will importing the memo
into iTunes reference it at this location such as on the desktop, or
will it actually move a copy of the file into my physical iTunes
library? I don't want to keep a copy of this memo on my desktop once
I've imported it into iTunes.I seem to recall that saving a file from
drop box onto my desktop had this problem when I imported that file
into iTunes. Actually, the problem was that I played the file in
iTunes and from then on it saved it to that position on the desktop.
how to save audio from youtube
"Brent Harding"<> May 06 10:00AM -0500
I used one that works at the command line that gets the flv file down, and
then converted to audio I can play, but that youtube downloader thing might
be linux only unless it could be compiled and run on a mac in terminal.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Sanfilippo"<>
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2012 7:49 AM
Subject: Re: how to save audio from youtube
I often use
I've long ago given up on using some onboard app to convert.
Be aware that there is a 20 minute limit on the length of the original
It's great for short things.
Just my 2 cents.
On May 6, 2012, at 8:42 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
Hi listers,
I have been googling about it, but it doesn't give me much useful voiceover
friendly app information. On my macbook running Lion, what do you all use to
save youtube content in mp3 on your hard drive? I could turn to windows and
use total recorder there, but I guess there will be a far easier solution,
for the mac. How does one save a youtube movie, or just its audio for that
matter, on the hard disk?
I found a lot about it, but either the ones I found appear to be mainly
inaccessible, or they are to some degree, but more like a huge video program
that can do lots of stuff, and some youtube saving as a bonus, making that
hard to find, so I gave up on that. What I'd like to find is a simple,
straight forward, and hopefully voiceover friendly solution. Does that exist
to your knowledge? Any ideas?
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John Sanfilippo<> May 06 12:49PM -0400
Oops, I gave the wrong URL. This is correct:
Basically, you copy the URL of the item you want converted, then go to, paste it in the text edit field, press the provided convert
button, wait a moment, then press the download button.
All done.
craig J Dunlop<> May 06 11:02AM -0500
on the mac how do you remove a program? do you just delete it from the
applications list or is there a way to uninstall it?
Matt Dierckens<> May 06 12:34PM -0400
You got it. Just find the application you want to remove in your applications
folder, and press cmd delete.
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692
skype: blindman3221
On 2012-05-06, at 12:02 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
Learning To Use Fission
Scott Rumery<> May 06 11:36AM -0400
Hello, I am trying to learn how to use Fission with Voice Over and I am having
some trouble. For those of you that don't know what Fission is, I will let you
know that Fission is an audio editor for the Mac. It can be used to make iPhone
ringtones, and this is what I am trying to use it for. I know that you can make
your ringtones with iTunes and I have become very good at making my ringtones
this way, but a friend of mine told me a few days ago about Fission and that it
is very easy to use for making ringtones, so I thought that I would give it a
The trouble that I seem to be having is that when I open an audio file in the
program and then try to set the beginning and end points in the file, the
beginning and end points seem to be in synch with each other. By this I mean
that when I move one, the other moves right along with it. I have been through
every setting to see if there is something that I am missing, and I can't seem
to find out what it is that I am doing wrong.
Is there anyone on the list who knows how to use this program, and if so would
they be willing to post some basic instructions for me.
Thank you very much,
"Krysti .Power"<> May 06 11:39AM -0400
Fission is not that bad I used it
Tim Kilburn<> May 06 10:30AM -0600
When I use Fission to edit audio, I do the following:
• Listen to the audio then press spacebar to stop at the start-spot where I
wish the Ringtone to begin.
• Press cmd-t to "Split" the clip at that spot.
• Press cmd-[ or cmd-] to select either the Previous or Next Clip.
• Press cmd-k to Crop the selected audio.
• Play through the audio to the end of what I wish included in the Ringtone,
press spacebar to pause and cmd-t to Split the Clip at the Playhead.
• Repeat the process to trim it to the correct length for iPhone Ringtones.
Note that sometimes it's confusing whether you should select the Next or
Previous clip for trimming but if you mess up, just press cmd-z to Undo your
oops. Fission will remember many of the last applied edits so you can undo
numerous times or simply Revert it back to original.
Once everything is the way you want it to be, go under the File menu to find
the Save As iPhone Ringtone option.
On 2012-05-06, at 9:36 AM, Scott Rumery wrote:
Mudding on the mac.
Shannon Dyer<> May 06 12:20PM -0400
Hi, Allison.
I haven't found a good client for the Mac. I use a windows client on my virtual
machine. It's VIPMud from GMA Games. You can get a free trial for it. It's
wonderfully accessible.
I'd love to talk muds with you. Email me off list, if you don't mind. My
address is
Shannon Dyer
Alumni Council Member,
Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc
® and
America's VetDogs®, The Veteran's K-9 Corps Inc ®
Providing "Second Sight" ® since 1946
371 E. Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, NY 11787
Office: 631-930-9000, Toll-free: 866-282-8047
To make a donation that can change a the Guide Dog Foundation at
or America's VetDogs the Veterans K-9 Corps at
Visit us on facebook at: or
On May 6, 2012, at 1:23 AM, Allison Mervis wrote:
adobi flash player installer pop up, how do I do this?
Maria Chapman<> May 07 12:15AM +1000
Hi. where is the flash pannel in system preferences? i sometimes get an update
flash player pop up and can't seem to figure out how to get it to install.
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email& iImessage.
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl
On 06/05/2012, at 1:02 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
Dean Adams<> May 07 12:30AM +1000
HI Maria,
When the adobe flash player comes up use your tab key to update it don't use
the vo key navigation tabbing works in this situation and space bat to select.
Regards Dean from oz
Sent from Dean Adams Macbook Pro
phone: 0243206031
Mobile: 0428133758
Skype : deanadams9
On 07/05/2012, at 12:15 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
Maria Chapman<> May 07 12:34AM +1000
thanks i will try that. usually i can find the install button but it dings at
me when i press it. will try space.
thanks for your help.
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message:&fb
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
On 07/05/2012, at 12:30 AM, Dean Adams wrote:
Tim Kilburn<> May 06 08:35AM -0600
If Flash Player is already installed, there will be an item in your System Preferences
called "Flash Player". This is where you can do the update if you are
uncomfortable with the automatic and possibly problematic pop-up version.
On 2012-05-06, at 8:15 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
Maria Chapman<> May 07 12:37AM +1000
mmm i think it's installed because i get things to play in flash, but don't see
a flash player option in system preferences.
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 07/05/2012, at 12:35 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
Tim Kilburn<> May 06 09:54AM -0600
Not necessarily the correct conclusion. The pop-up could be a malware attempt
to infect your system.
I suggest you go to Adobe's site and do the install from there.
On 2012-05-06, at 8:37 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
Switch, got it working
Stacey Robinson<> May 06 10:46AM -0500
Hi all,
Thanks to Maria and everyone.
I now have switch for the mac and it's working great.
Stacey and GEB guide dog Chesley.
Launching a boot camp windows installation from mfusion
Paul Hunt<> May 06 10:16AM -0500
Hello everyone. I have Windos 7 running in a Virtual machine with Vmfusion. I
am considering reinstalling Windows in a boot camp partition and accessing it
with bmfusion to get better performance and get focus vraille displays. I know
how to install it in boot camp. How do I launch it in vmfusion and will
performance improve?
defining single key for vo keys?
Eric Caron<> May 06 11:01AM -0400
Hi Alex, Jonathan and others,
This is a great thread but I must say that I still think it would be very very
helpful to be able to have the Voice Over key be one key. I ordered a full USB
keyboard about a year ago so that I could use the num pad commander. I like it
a lot, but frankly, I would not need it if the Voice Over key could be assigned
to the caps lock key. It is a matter of keeping my fingers on the home keys.
I'm much faster on the keyboard if I can just leave my fingers on the home row
and type away. But with Voice Over keys needing two fingers I just can't do
that. Further on the portables VO keys are only on the left side. this forces
me to do all kinds of finger contortions to do a simple command. I'm glad Voice
Over gives us lots of ways to do things. I use them all but, every 6 months or
so I write to and ask please please can I have the
caps lock key assignably as the VO keys? It would be great to have this be one
more VO option.
It was a thread like this one that caused me to purchase a full size keyboard,
so I could use the num pad commander. This helped a great deal. Still it is
time for me to write my next reminder to apple!
eRic Caron
On May 6, 2012, at 8:24 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
Eric Caron<> May 06 11:04AM -0400
Hi Alex, Jonathan and others,
This is a great thread but I must say that I still think it would be very very
helpful to be able to have the Voice Over key be one key. I ordered a full USB
keyboard about a year ago so that I could use the num pad commander. I like it
a lot, but frankly, I would not need it if the Voice Over key could be assigned
to the caps lock key. It is a matter of keeping my fingers on the home keys.
I'm much faster on the keyboard if I can just leave my fingers on the home row
and type away. But with Voice Over keys needing two fingers I just can't do
that. Further on the portables VO keys are only on the left side. this forces
me to do all kinds of finger contortions to do a simple command. I'm glad Voice
Over gives us lots of ways to do things. I use them all but, every 6 months or
so I write to and ask please please can I have the
caps lock key assignably as the VO keys? It would be great to have this be one
more VO option.
It was a thread like this one that caused me to purchase a full size keyboard,
so I could use the num pad commander. This helped a great deal. Still it is
time for me to write my next reminder to apple!
ERic Caron
On May 5, 2012, at 10:02 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
Dvd burning software mac
"Krysti .Power"<> May 06 10:56AM -0400
What is a good dvd burning software on the mac side so u can play it in
your dvd player
Alison and others,
There is a way to set up iTunes so it does not automatically add
files when played. I learned how to do it from Esther quite som time ago.
It has been a long time so I'll have to search my notes to find how to do
it. I remember it was not hard to do but it was also not obvious by any
So, there is a way but I'll have to get back to you unless someone
else does.
Sorry this is only half a answer but I wanted you to know there is a way.
I also usually use quick look by pressing the space bar. However,
sometimes I want the iTunes controls and it is nice to open a file in
iTunes and not have to find and delete it later.
On Apr 29, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
Hi everyone!
I recently got a beautiful new Macboook pro, and find myself using it
more than my pc because it's so portable. I'm wondering if there's a way to
tell iTunes not to add every file I play to my iTunes library. Sometimes I
just want to select a file in the finder, play it once, and exit without it
being added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.
Eric Caron<> May 06 10:46AM -0400
Alison and others,
There is a way to set up iTunes so it does not automatically add files when
played. I learned how to do it from Esther quite som time ago. It has been a
long time so I'll have to search my notes to find how to do it. I remember it
was not hard to do but it was also not obvious by any means.
So, there is a way but I'll have to get back to you unless someone else does.
Sorry this is only half a answer but I wanted you to know there is a way. I
also usually use quick look by pressing the space bar. However, sometimes I
want the iTunes controls and it is nice to open a file in iTunes and not have
to find and delete it later.
eRic Caron
On Apr 29, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
Why can't someone just answer my Ical question without confusing me with a
pod cast?
Krister Ekstrom<> May 06 11:42AM +0200
In defence of Jenny, let me say this, in many, not all but many cases at least
on the IPhone, there simply is no built in help or documentation for the
program one is working with, at least that's my experience. I have seen a lot
of cases, though i can't think of any at the moment where there's no reference
to any documentation whatsoever in the app.
At the risk of being flamed to bits, let me say that i have come late to this thread so
may not know the whole story here, but answering a plee for help in an almost rude manner
in my book is uncalled for. I left the Linux world because of that attitude, and even
though it didn't hit me directly i felt sorry for the newbies that asked questions and
got almost rude answers that in short said "rtfm". Yes surely Google among
other sources is your friend, but if you don't even begin to know what you are going to
search for, how can you then begin searching? We have all been newbies in the beginning
and have had different difficulty levels and different ways of tackling a problem. One
bit of advice that i have followed and that has proven useful to me during my
explorations of the graphical interface is this: If you want to learn to know your app,
firstly take a look at its menus. There you will see what the app can do for you and you
also in the bargain get the hot keys for different