True, there might be some other folders in there, but they will be a very small amount of stuff compared to iPhoto.

So if you just want a backup and to do it manually when needed then you can just copy the iPhoto folder to your backup location and you're done. No need to export stuff or do other fiddling. Next thing to figure out is how you're going to move them and that depends on how they can be connected. If the destination machine is a laptop you can put it in target mode and just use it like a big expensive external hard drive and copy the iPhoto library to it. If it's on a network you can share the backup machine's hard drive, mount it on the machine with photos and then copy the iPhoto library to it. If that's wireless then it could take a while depending on how much stuff there is. You might think about going wired temporarily just during the copy to speed things up. Then you're only limited by whatever network hub you use. If the machines are close together you could even connect them directly to each via Cat5 and share over that at Gigabit speed, which is basically faster than most hard drives can go.


On 5/4/12 12:03 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
No need to really copy the entire Pictures folder.  The iPhoto Library is 
packaged up nicely within the Pictures folder and it's all you really need to 
copy if what what you're wishing to do is make a copy of your same Library on 
another machine.

The Export option that you chose will have most likely changed the quality of 
the pictures unless you set it to Original in that pop-up.

As Chris mentioned, the best thing for you to do will depend on what your 
purpose is.  If it's simply to back things up, then I'd just use Time Machine 
and back up your whole computer instead of just the pictures.


On 2012-05-04, at 7:48 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So do you just want to clone the whole library to another machine or are you 
planning on adding these to an existing library? If it's the former then you 
can just grab the whole Pictures folder and copy that to the new machine.


On 5/4/12 7:51 AM, Kliphton wrote:
Okay, so I see an export feaature in iPhoto, and I did it even though it
says the size was only 10 gb for 22000 photos.  Also had some presets for
quality and format that I just left alone.  My question is, is that the way
to do it,or will I lose some quality or features if I go to import in to
another iPhoto library, should I back the whole thing up from within
pictures, or was this the right way?

(twitter&skype) kliphton72
Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone

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