Hello again will. 
Maybe I misunderstood something, but I thought you would want to use voiceOver 
at least part time for when your eyes get tired. I suppose what you could do is 
do what anne said and use Office which its author wrote as inaccessible to 
VoiceOver users and then switch to Pages when your eyes got tired. aPges only 
costs $21.64 U.S. dollars. I can see no reason why you couldn't switch back and 
forth if you wanted to. 

Eugenia Firth

On May 3, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Will,
> I'm not a zoom user, but my husband sometimes uses it and he also teaches 
> low-vision Mac users. He says that there is a random bug that causes focus to 
> jump to one edge of the screen for no apparent reason. Apple is aware of it 
> but so far, no fix is forthcoming.
> However, many people manage fine, despite this bug. And since you won't be 
> using VoiceOver, you'll be able to use Office for Mac as well as iWork.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 3 May 2012, at 17:35, Will Cummings wrote:
>> I reiterate my thanks for such awesome info.  If I do go ahead and take the 
>> plunge into the Mac world, this info on Fusion and Parallel's will be very 
>> useful.  I'm assuming that either Parallel's or Fusion should allow me to 
>> run things like ZT, JFW, or K1000 alongside the Mac environment?
>> One thing I am sensing is that most of the respondants use mostly VO.  Since 
>> I anticipate using primarily Zoom and falling back to VO or a combination of 
>> the two, is there anyone on the list who uses Zoom a lot who could add 
>> anything?  Specifically, on how Zoom/VO well may or may not interact with 
>> web-based databases and the various advanced word processing options out 
>> there?  Like I mentioned, I've heard there have been some issues with Zoom 
>> tracking in Pages and Word, and would love to know if this remains an issue 
>> as I still like to zoom in and see what I'm writing as I slave away for 
>> school assignments :) 
>> Thanks again everyone!
>> Will
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