Sorry, Lisette, for the ending to my E-mail; it was specifically directed at 
those who complain of the inaccessibility of Skype, not at all at you.  

There are a few ways I know if someone's sent me a message; first, my Skype 
plays a sound when I get a message, if I'm not in the Skype window.  
Disappointingly, it does not emit such a sound alert when I am in the Skype 
window, so I usually Command Tab out of the window while waiting.  Secondly, 
when I open Skype in the morning or whenever, I quickly look in the top table 
under the "recent," sublevel and check if there are any new names there, and 
whether or not it says there are missed events.  There's also a "history," 
sublevel you can expand below the Recent level which will show you activity 
back to .. well to the Big Bang.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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