Hello all,
I am here to ask a simple question about the wonderfully accessible twitter 
client called yorufukurou.
I manage to perform all actions, except for following and unfollowing users!
Well, knowing the exact username of person you want to follow and unfollow, 
it's quite simple. just open a new tweet and write, follow username. or 
unfollow username. 
But I think, this client has some kind of menu which would allow you to perform 
such actions. Follow, unfollow, block
How to reach these actions?
Assume I am on the time line, or on the window that opens pressing command+u, 
to go to a specific user typing his name
I just read on applevis.com that there is a drawer reachable via "command 
option apostrophee", but, as I do not have an american keyboard, I do not know 
what they meant
if backslash or some other key
  please let me know!

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