Thanks for all this Lou! 
I downloaded Flip and then went for quick-time as you said, using the link you 
sent, but the DMG file says snow leopard on it, is this right? I'm Lion and I 
assume I am using the latest. Should I check, or will this version of QT be ok? 

On 15 Apr 2012, at 21:35, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> ello there.
> ok. here's the bit of confusion here that a load of users run into.
> first off, perian is not a direct interface for quicktime to handle offline 
> media, etc, it's a component for the web interface so it works in tandem with 
> a player.
> in your case, you need another plugin to resolve your problem.
> for your needs, you will need flip4mac windows media codecs.
> this is found here....
> if you are using OS X 10.7 lion and you need to use quicktime to save or 
> import movies, etc, you need to install quicktime for OS X 10.6 and above 
> which is found here:
> this will resolve your problem.
> lew
> On 15 Apr 2012, at 21:20, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:
>> Lou, So I had done all that, but then when I put in a WMA file from a CD I 
>> got quick time has encountered an unknown file-or something similar. What do 
>> I then need to do in order to use Perian to play such files? 
>> Thanks. 
>> On 15 Apr 2012, at 18:21, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> here are the details required.
>>> download the dmg file.
>>> open it, you will find a file called perian.pref.
>>> run it.
>>> you will be asked for your admin password (if you have set one, input it, 
>>> if not, just hit enter)
>>> you will be asked if you want to install it to all users or just you. for 
>>> best results including making a recovery user, install to all users.
>>> you will be asked for your admin password again.
>>> after this, it's installed and system preferences updates itself with the 
>>> icon installed at the bottom.
>>> this doesn't need any attention as it's auto configured and is system wide.
>>> lew
>>> On 15 Apr 2012, at 18:09, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>>> Well, if you can send me the direct link, I'll download and install it and 
>>>> tell you how I did it, but I don't find anything under the spelling, 
>>>> "Perian."  
>>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>>> • MSN:
>>>> • My home page:
>>>> •
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