Hi, thanks for your suggestions. I think I figured it out for the most part I 
will have to play around with colum view and see which I like better. Jason
On Apr 8, 2012, at 7:29 PM, Gigi wrote:
> Hello Jason.
> File organization was for me the most difficult part of switching to the Mac, 
> and now I have no problem with it. First, you may want to experiment with 
> your view. In Windows, I used list view exclusively. However, on the Mac, I 
> have column view to be easier. If you have computer's view set to list view, 
> you may be gettiong lost as where you are and not know it. 
> I do what you are talking about all the time. Get on top of the main folder. 
> Then press command M and go right arrow until you hear file. Then go down 
> until you hear the choice for creating a new folder. Choose that option with 
> VO spacebar. Then type in your file name and enter. 
> Go to the file you want to copy or move. After getting on top of it, press 
> command C. To move you files there, you may need to interact with the browser 
> with VO shift down arrow, or sometimes I open the folder with VO space to 
> make sure my file is going to the right place. 
> The other thing I do, which may be a habit on my part, is save files from 
> TextEdit or Pages always to the desktop and then move them. It helps me keep 
> track of files I still need to work on. 
> The reason I decided I liked column view better than list view is that on the 
> Mac it seems to me that list view mixes the folder names together with the 
> file names. This drove me crazy. Column view doesn't do that; with it, you 
> can read folder names and press right arrow to get into the files under that 
> folder. I was used to pressing enter in Windows to get into files under a 
> folder. On the Mac, you can rename files that way. Now that I'm used to it 
> and broken myself of the habit of pressing enter whenever I want to enter a 
> foler or file, I like the option of renaming files by pressing enter. 
> The other thing I like about the renaming reature is that when you press 
> enter on a file or folder name, you can use usual editing functions to change 
> the file name. I do this a lot. 
> I hope all this makes sense. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 8, 2012, at 9:49 AM, jason lefevers <jasonlefevers.mass...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hello , I am still new to the mac and can't figure out how to sort my 
>> documents into specific forlders. So to start I am using a mac book pro with 
>> lion. I can create a document fine, I have also created a folder on my 
>> desktop where I want to put client notes. The folder on my desktop is called 
>> unseen touch. I can put documents in this folder just find also . The thing 
>> that I want to do and that i can't do is, In the main folder unseen touch I 
>> would like to make many different folders for each of my clients and in each 
>> of those folders put individual documents for that days notes. what I have 
>> done so far is like I said is create the main folder  and when I open it 
>> there is a folder that I named jason  as well as a document called jason 
>> lefevers soap note. how do I get the soap note doc into the jason folder? I 
>> have tryed copying the doc and then opening the jason folder then pasting 
>> the doc but it just tells me that its already there and asks if I want to 
>> replace it , so I say yes but Its not showing up in the jason folder , 
>> nothing shows up when I open the jason folder. If anyone could walk me threw 
>> this process I would be very happy. Thank you very much. Jason 
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