
I thought that rather than just type it all over again, I'd just better paste 
it in.

        You will recall that, for the past two days now, (beginning under date 
of March 12th 2012), I reported to you that ITunes kept crashing on any attempt 
to import files in to my 
C/Macintosh HD/User/Ray/Music/ITunes/ITunes Media/Music
folder.  The files I tried to import all came from the path below:

C/Macintosh HD/User/Ray/Music/Audio From Freeagent Drive/
        The settings in ITunes under witch I attempted to perform this import 
were as follows.
1.  In preferences, advanced tab, uncheck the following:
        keep ITunes files and folders organized.
        b.  Copy files to the ITunes/ITunes Media/Music folder when adding to 
2.  Various play lists were checked and unchecked in general prefs.

        You may also recall that, as per your instructions, (and under the 
belief that the location of ITunes Music Library.xml needed to be moved to the 
desk top folder), I did so; and, upon importing play lists from the Library 
submenu off the ITunes file menu, this might solve the problem.  It, however, 
did not.  ITunes continued to crash.

        This morning, therefore, (March 13th), I reinstalled Mac OS10.7.3 in an 
attempt to resolve the crashing ITunes issue.  As before, I set ITunes as 
indicated above.  Upon Attempting to import as we saw before, ITunes crashed 
yet again.

        Now, I am attepting to import again, but, this time, I am allowing 
ITunes to Copy files.  This is going to be very costly space wise; because, as 
you could see, I have just about 200GB left on my main drive.  If I allow 
ITunes to copy files, it means I will wind up with two copies of each file in 
C/Macintosh HD/User/Ray/Music/Audio From Freeagent Drive/
folder.  I was hoping I would be able just to add files to the ITunes Library 
without having to let ITunes make it's own copies of each file.  At this 
moment, that appears to be the cause of the crashing.  It would seem that, if 
one allows ITunes to make it's own copies of added files and place them in 
folders, ITunes will not crash; but, if coppying is not allowed, then ITunes 
will crash.  
        To speak frankly, I feel that this is a bug which needs to be sent to 
the DEV teams and fixed as soon as possible.  Also, I dislike the fact that 
ITunes is so completely Library dependant.  This makes ITunes utterly useless 
in circumstances such as mine.  Can anything be done about this?  
PS.  When this process is done, I will again erase all the 
C/Macintosh HD/User/Ray/Library/Preferences/ComAppleITunes files and reinitiate 
ITunes and not allow copying.  IF, after that, ITunes crashes, I will send 
another e-mail in which will be the pertinent text directly from the crash 
report window.  

A question for y'all.  Should it matter whenther or not ITunes is allowed to 
copy files?  I guess maybe, if I want to add files to my Iphone, those files do 
need to be in the
C/Macintosh HD/User/Ray/Music/ITunes/ITunes Media/Music
structure.  But, with as many files as I have on my Mac, I have perhaps only 
about 200GB left on my main drive.  At the moment, I have no other drive I can 
use.  Any advice maybe?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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