If you are using an Intel-based Mac, then the first thing to do when you open 
the Tables application is to get the cursor out of the table.  Press Shift, 
Control, Option, up-arrow together, in order to get out of the table where the 
cursor is pointing.  Press this key combination again to get out of the 
spreadsheet.  Do these things first, or the following instructions won't make 

Basically, there are two ways to read a cell's contents in Tables.  The first 
way is to place the cursor over the field in which one enters numbers, 
formulae, and so on.  If you choose this option, make sure VO is not locked, so 
that you can use the arrow keys to move from cell to cell (i.e., left arrow to 
move to the left, bottom arrow to move down, etc.).  This is a simple option 
that allows you to navigate from cell to cell, to read each cell's contents, 
and to enter data into individual cells, all from the data-entry field.  

The second way to move around in Tables is somewhat more complicated.  To make 
things easier, first lock VO (by pressing control-option-semicolon).  Next, 
enter the spreadsheet, by pressing shift and the down-arrow key together.  At 
this level, you will be able to move the VO cursor with the arrow keys and read 
the letters designating the columns (i.e., Column A, Column B, etc.), as well 
as the row numbers (i.e., Row 1, Row 2, etc.).  To access the individual cells, 
navigate to the table (VO says "table when you've found it).  With VO still 
locked, press the shift and down-arrow keys together again.  That will put you 
in the table of cells, from which point onward you can just use the arrow keys 
to navigate from cell to cell.

I hope this helps.  Let me know if you have any other questions, and I'll do my 
best to try to answer them.

From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Jürgen Fleger [apple-engl...@fleger.net]
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 3:52 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: numbers

Hi Rafael,

I tried Tables and it's much faster to work with then with Numbers. But what I 
didn't understand was how to read text in a cell. I pressed F2 to edit the cell 
and couldn't have VO to read text by pressing arrow keys. Did I something wrong 
or does Tables not support VO that much?

All the best Jürgen
Am 20.02.2012 um 18:24 schrieb Bejarano, Rafael P.:

> If your spreadsheet needs are not very complicated, you might wish to 
> consider Tables.  It's the spreadsheet app that I use on the Mac, and I 
> really like it.  It has all the usual functions, and you can enter your own 
> formulae, as well.  You can save your work as xl files, too.  Creating graphs 
> is somewhat limited, however.
> Rafael Bejarano
> On Feb 20, 2012, at 10:16 AM, May McDonald wrote:
> Good day everyone.
> Well, I guess I can't avoid it any longer. Drn school stuff. Is there a place 
> where I could find tutorials on how to use numbers? Or can anyone recommend a 
> good program that handles excel files if numbers is not the best to use?
> Thanks,
> May and Prince Noah
> cell: 613-863-5845 or 1-888-778-2544
> email: mcdonald....@gmail.com<mailto:mcdonald....@gmail.com>
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