
I don't know the answer to these questions.


On Feb 9, 2012, at 8:51 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Ah, so let me see, you want the ability that, when you pause a file's 
> playback, the inserttion point needs to remain where the playback stopped.  
> Is that right?  I suspect you might find something in preferences that 
> indicates how the space bar should behave when playing a file.  Since I don't 
> have Sound Studio myself, I'm noly speculating here.  Also, what about the 
> use of the left bracket key to drop a beginning marker and the right bracket 
> key to drop an end marker?  That would, I suspect, make things much faster.  
> Now, I have a few other points of my own.  When you alter the pitch of a 
> file, amadeus pro does not yet allow you to very the pitch.  It just goes 
> straight from one pitch to the other, but, you cannot slide the pitch and 
> have that pitch slide be according to the selection.  Can you do this with 
> Sound Studio?  Also, what about paste over settings?  In the latest version 
> of Amadeus Pro, there is a very nice paste over dialog which allows you to 
> duck the track on to which you wish to paste a voice over fragment, and, 
> then, that track's volume resumes to normal once the voice over fragment is 
> concluded.  By voice over, in this instance, I am, of course, not talking 
> about Apple Voice Over;  rather, I'm talking about putting one's voice over 
> on top of music or sounds and such.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
> On Feb 9, 2012, at 8:20 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This might seem like excessive quoting, and i apologize for this but it's 
>> important for my questions to get them in context.
>> Qs and As below:
>> 9 feb 2012 kl. 13:47 skrev Robert Carter:
>>>> 2. Are you able to hear a cut preview?
>>> Yes, pressing the spacebar when material is selected will play the 
>>> selection.
>> But does sound studio have pre and post roll, that is is there a possibility 
>> to hear what the clip will sound like by playing X number of seconds before 
>> and after the clip? I don't think so and i think Amadeus has this.
>>>> 3. Does it have a scrubb mode, forward and backward?
>>> Yes while the file is playing the numbers 1 and 2 will scrub backward and 
>>> forward respectively.
>> I have encountered a problem, if you use the scrubbing and then stop 
>> playback, the cursor isn't moved to the position where you are, so to speak, 
>> you always start from the top of the file, so the scrubbing is in practice 
>> useless, unless i have missed something in which case i would like to be 
>> corrected, because i'm too interested in Sound studios qualities.
>> /Krister
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