Memory dump is when the Mac is purged of fragments of memory that may not have 
been properly  cleared when the unit was turned off.

Remember, command+Option+r+p at power off and when you have those keys pressed 
down, turn on the power.  All  your settings and stuff will be preserved.

Also, Alex, to speak frankly, You cannot let the negative experiences of some 
make you believe that your unit is at fault.  Sounds to me like maybe you need 
a monitor hooked up to your machine.  I seem to recall someone giving you that 
advice at least a month ago.  Here's what I say.  You don't necessarily need a 
real expensive monitor.  By the cheapest monitor you like and connect it.  
Frankly, I wouldn't count on using VGA adapters to get an old monitor going.  
I'd go for a cheap new one and connect it.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Feb 2, 2012, at 7:52 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> I have had it for months, but the unresponsiveness in pretty much
> everything and the difficulty in editing text means I don't use it
> much. I know part of it is a monitor, and I am looking at dvi to vga
> adapters to get this old monitor working, but when I hear on this list
> about others experiencing lag ever since upgrading to lion, I have to
> wonder just how much it will help to have a screen.
> What is a memory dump? Will it affect my bootcamp or any settings on the mac?
> On 2/2/12, Ray Foret Jr <> wrote:
>> To copy a file, do this.
>> 1.  Focus on the file you wish to copy.
>> 2.  Press command+c to copy.
>> 3.  Move to the location to which you wish to copy the file.
>> 4.  Now, press command+v to paste in the file.
>> HTH.
>> PS.  Hey, look, just give yourself time to learn this.  None of us learned
>> it imediately either.  For me, it took maybe two or three weeks to get
>> really going with mine.
>> This list was a huge help to me during that time I can tell you.
>> Just hang in there.  Look, one more thing man.  Don't get all flustered if
>> things don't go exactly like you want them to right away.  remember, the Mac
>> aint windows.  Don't expect the same behavior.  As for things being slow,
>> sounds like it might be time to  do a memory dump;  command+Option+p once
>> the power is off and hold those down until you hear the third ocurrence of
>> the start up sound.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Feb 2, 2012, at 7:15 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> I think what you say makes sense. Unfortunately, Finder has such a lag
>>> in it, especially on 10.7.3, that copying a file (assuming I can
>>> figure out how) will likely be an exercise in patience rather than a
>>> simple task. Thanks for the help, and sorry for my negative tone, it
>>> is just rather annoying to have what seems to be such inconsistent
>>> behavior, along with serious lag problems in what is, when running
>>> Windows, a faster system than my previous computer.
>>> On 2/2/12, Teresa Cochran <> wrote:
>>>> Hi, Alex,
>>>> There are two ways to install files. When you browse within a disc image,
>>>> you will either find a file that says "installer package" or a .app file.
>>>> Here's how it works. Usually, you begin downloading the disc image. It is
>>>> mounted on your desktop when you open it. This does not mean you have
>>>> installed anything yet. You first have to go into the disc image and find
>>>> out whether you have an installer package or a .app file. If it's an
>>>> installer package, the process is similar to opening a Windows .exe file.
>>>> If
>>>> it's a .app file, you will want to copy the .app over to your apps
>>>> folder,
>>>> so you can find it in the future. You can run a .app from your disc
>>>> image,
>>>> but that makes things very cluttered and hard to find.
>>>> HTh,
>>>> Teresa
>>>> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
>>>> On Feb 2, 2012, at 11:23 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>>>> I think it does have one, but cannot be sure. If not, where would I
>>>>> find this .app file, and why would it not already be there? Also, why
>>>>> do other applications (audacity, filezilla) never show up, even though
>>>>> they were installed from dmg files?
>>>>> On 2/2/12, Teresa Cochran <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, Alex,
>>>>>> I don't remember if Chrome has an installer. If an application doesn't
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> an installer with prompts, you will need to find the .app file and copy
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> over to your apps directory.
>>>>>> HTH,
>>>>>> Teresa
>>>>>> "We are made of star-stuff"--Carl Sagan, Cosmos
>>>>>> On Feb 2, 2012, at 9:49 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I am thoroughly confused. I have now installed Chrome twice, and both
>>>>>>> times it has disappeared from my applications folder and spotlight. I
>>>>>>> have also installed Filezilla, and have been able to find it via
>>>>>>> spotlight, but it is not in my applications folder. I installed
>>>>>>> Yofukurou, though, and that is in my applications folder (though I
>>>>>>> installed that via the app store, not a dmg). I'll be honest: the
>>>>>>> constant busy messages, overall lag, and disappearing apps have made
>>>>>>> me use Windows pretty much all the time, but if I could get this
>>>>>>> worked out it would be good. At least I could use something other than
>>>>>>> safari, and maybe try using the mac more...
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Have a great day,
>>>>>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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>>>>> Have a great day,
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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